Healing Exes to Call in Your Twin Flame Relationship

Healing Exes to Call in Your Twin Flame Relationship

In order to call in your Twin Flame and truly live an abundant life, you have to heal every part of yourself, including your past. You can’t hold on to the anger from a past relationship. You cannot send hate to your ex and send love to your current partner and be in soul-alignment: Oneness doesn’t work that way! If you don’t heal your energetic relationships with exes, you will be holding on to heavy weight energy blocks. This will attract Twin Flame Counterfeits, Twin Flame Runners, Karmic Soulmates, etc, and it’s not pretty! In order to attract your one true Twin Flame you must heal all relationships, even the most painful and hurtful past relationship that you thought you’d moved on from.

It’s time to heal all ex relationships (and even past crushes!)

Exes are like previous seasons who have helped you cultivate your crop. Some are like spring: blooming you into blossom. Others are like winter–giving you a rest and testing your survival. But all the seasons are important to you, as they make you the well-rounded goddess you are!

Above is a photo I recently re-discovered of me and my first long-term relationship. Enrico was the Italian who Shanghaied me, literally to Shanghai China, where we lived for 1.5 years. These were the hardest and most growth-filled years of my 20s, but I don’t regret them. I didn’t speak the language. The weather was harsh in 2 of the four seasons, and the other two were very short. I was constantly on my last few bit of Yuan–so financially broke that I rode a bike in the streets of Shanghai with 1000s of others where I was the only white girl! A sea of black hair, then me. The blond… It was the most painful relationship to let go of in my 20s, but I did it because I new that there was something bigger for me. But it took me a long time to heal from it, and the way I finally healed was through gratitude.

twin flame pillarsAccept loneliness as part of a Twin Flame path

Loneliness was something I learned to deal with on a deep level–both in China, and in my relationship with Enrico. At age 24, I didn’t know anyone in Shanghai, and my man wasn’t compatible on the spiritual level. I was starting to wake up, and my spiritual gifts and pursuits frightened him. So I went into my own world and opened up alone, and hid my passions from him in our relationship. It was some of the most exciting stuff and I wanted to share it with someone, but I was still new to the shamanic world and didn’t think anyone would relate.

Loneliness gets healed when you realize that you are never alone. I started embracing my loneliness and slowly it became apparent that I wasn’t alone. I became friends with a dear friend of mine from Germany who would give me psychic readings and supported me so much during that time.  I also became content with being the only blond on a block of 10,000 people and feeling OK with being different. What a gift, actually!

I tried leaving that relationship many times. But there was a great deal of love and compassion (and co-dependence) for each other, and leaving love is never easy. I tried packing up my bags and coming back to California, but something kept me stuck in Shanghai for what felt like a long time. At least Enrico had a great sense of humor, and taught me a lot about not taking life seriously! There were many good times, between the bad… I got to go visit his family just outside of Venice, Italy a few times and experienced some of the best home cooked food of my life!

The problem is that for many years after the relationship, I didn’t focus on gratitude for my relationship with Enrico. I would subtly bad mouth him in front of people, because I hadn’t fully been in my power in the relationship and hadn’t expressed my feelings when I was in it.  I wish I had been able to heal my pain and focus on gratitude sooner; I would have probably not have attracted my Twin Flame Counterfeit, taken so long to meet my Twin Flame, and have gone through so much drama!

Appreciate the spiritual growth

Life has its ups and downs, but you grow so much on a deep spiritual level, even through your pain.
There is no faking it–sometimes it’s just awful! Like the time I finally had the courage to say goodbye to Enrico and leave him in Shanghai, knowing that I would likely never see him again.  But I didn’t cry because it felt done, I had cried so much already.  I’d been wanting to do it for a long time, it was complete. And then I cried like a baby saying goodbye to our housekeeper Xiao Ping, my ‘big sister’ who had seen me through my loneliness and pain when Enrico was gone at work and I stayed home working hard at my first business (as a personal trainer and wellness coach, and not succeeding). Being in a relationship with the “wrong guy,” a Karmic Soulmate, seems to call in Soul Family–people who are here to teach you and help you grow. Some of the best friends in my life have come through supporting each other around our relationship issues!

Sometimes you gotta leave and it’s hard. You blame yourself.  You have to forgive yourself for what you did then.  You chose not to stay stuck in your pain. Celebrate your bravery–you got out!

You don’t need to punish yourself and stick around playing the Twin Flame Runner game: where time and time again you are heartbroken and hurt by men you think is your Twin Flame, or by crushes who don’t requite your love. I see my female clients doing this all the time. They hurt someone in the past so they subconsciously decide they deserve to be hurt rather than getting what they want.

You deserve a deep relationship, with true Twin Flame Love.

Gratitude is one of the biggest keys to attract your Twin Flame relationship

Here is the most important key to letting go of exes and moving into a Twin Flame vibration. It is to ask yourself: What did I learn from this relationship?  Instead of putting your focus on how bad he hurt you, what it was like when you were so in love, how can you get him back…focus on what you learned. Maybe you learned that you want to not be abandoned, that you want your beloveds to stick around. Maybe you learned that you have more healing to do around being abandoned that came from  your childhood. Perhaps you can learn to find partners who are on your spiritual level, versus finding fixer uppers and karmic soulmates.  Here are the questions to ask in a mini 20-second exercise:

  1. Why did you attract this person?
  2. What did your relationship teach you?
  3. What will you NEVER do again?
  4. What did you enjoy about this relationship that you wish to carry on in the next?
  5. What were you grateful for about this relationship?

And here is a powerful affirmation to read over and repeat out loud or in your mind to help you clear past exes and attract your Twin Flame:

I’m grateful for all the seasons of the past – past-lives, past boyfriends, past hurts, and past loves.

Now that you have healed your heart chakra you are ready for your Flame! So now what!? Now that you have healed the past, what will you be grateful for in your next relationship? Your Twin Flame relationship!? Post in the comments below. And if you’re not sure, come join us for the free New Moon Raw Cacao Ceremony this month to help you set intentions and get clear on your Twin Flame intentions!

3 Terrific Tips to Love Your Titties!

3 Terrific Tips to Love Your Titties!

Isn’t it time you started loving your breasts?  Breasts frame the heart-chakra and are the symbol of Divine Feminine nurturing, giving, and receiving of pleasure. 

Boobs: you only get two of them in each lifetime.

Might as well love the pair you got. They are sacred life-giving, nurturing, and soft. Here are the three top tips to turn breast-shame into breast love and enlightenment so that your heart chakra and your breasts can realign at the Divine Feminine Love Twin Flame frequencies.

Goddesses, you have been brainwashed by a patriarchal fear-mongering media that thrived on your self-hatred, but you are free now to love yourself and to forgive. The breasts hold onto memory, emotion, and toxins, but once cleared are free and happy girls! These are three tips to help you fall in love with your terrific tatas once again:

1) The breast massage ever!

Massage your breasts with this or another loving elixir:
1 tablespoon coconut oilbreast self-esteem 3 drops each: rose, grapefruit, frankincense, and cypress

Massage benefits you by:
-celebrating your body brings your breasts joy
-moving lymph and toxins reduces cancer risk
-tissues will become stimulated to produce collagen, making your girls perkier, longer
-your breasts will be fuller and firmer, so it’s a light natural breast-lift over time

You can watch this breast massage wellness video for instruction on how to massage your lovely lady lumps:

Lymphatic Health and your Breasts - Part 3 - Breast Massage Technique

2) Talk to your tatas!

I know it sounds strange, but talking to your breasts will give you answers. Ask your tatas questions, and they will respond. If you have had body image issues, ask your breasts what that’s about, and how they can assist you. Ask them what they need. Dialoguing with your body will bring you profound answers that no doctor can tell you!

3) Celebrate your boobs through breast voyeurism.

Look at (and maybe even feel?) other women’s breasts in a celebratory way. Look at yours too, and toast to them with a cup of red wine, or better yet, green tea, which is a cancer-reducer.

Women can get arrested for going topless. It must mean that women’s breasts are a threat to society, right? Are they really that dangerous if they gave us life early on?  So bad that they should be kept indoors and covered up besides in the changing room and in front of our husbands? Oh boy, if only women made the laws, we’d have International Titty Day at least twice a year (one for each boob!).  Every woman loves to look at other women’s breasts, it’s a little known fact because no one talks about it. But the bottom line is that everyone loves breasts, they’re awesome! Newsflash, breasts aren’t evil, they’re amazing!

Perhaps if we rewrote the laws and started celebrating the way we looked, we wouldn’t be tempted to chop open our nipples, pack in silly-cone or other materials to fake it like we’re Barbie Dolls?

overcoming self-hatred

Start complimenting yourself and other women’s breasts of people you know will ‘get it.’ My childhood friend Tasha and I used to play dress up and I was embarrassed because I didn’t have boobs yet.  20 years later, we had a moment of body image confession and tears, and she told me that I had fabulous breasts. I swear that I have healed my breast shame since then, and have stopped fantasizing about getting implants or a breast lift. Yes, body image issues affected me too, especially as a teen. I hated the way my girls looked, and I have struggled with body dysmorphic disorder. People think it’s funny because I have ‘normal breasts’ and they are 32Ds, but I still have my moment where I want to trade them in for perkier perfect Barbie Boobs too! I still have the American brainwashed girl inside who read too many 17 Magazines once upon a time.

Noticing that every woman is beautiful, unique, asymmetrical, different than you in many ways. We have been told to shut up and put our shirts on, and cover up our amazing mammary glands – our Mama Mary glands of the Divine Mother. What’s up with this? I am sure Jesus would have loved to see his mother and his lovely lady Mary Magdalene’s sacred bosom displayed on temple/church walls worldwide. Don’t you?


Let’s release the Playboy Bunny pressure to be perky double DDs…It’s impossible to be that without the help of a surgeon and that’s a lot of money, risky, and even has killed some women in the process or gotten many sick from infection and silicone poisoning. What if we did plastic surgery on the culture instead and went back to au-natural breasts with a new mindset of celebrating the Divine Feminine?

Lots of love and light.

Good boob job ladies!

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and founder of Aphrodite University, helping High-Healed Priestesses step into their power so they can create new paradigms of love and light!