by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jun 24, 2016 | Pussy Power: Yoni Awakening Tips, Twin Flame Attraction, Twin Flame Love |
This yummy drink is a true love spell. Raw cacao is a harmonizer–it balances your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects (yin/yang, dark/light). It’s rich chocolatey flavor reminds us of our own complexity and how all of our contradicting flavors go so well together!
This Twin Flame Attraction raw cacao elixir will help you stay awake, stay focused on your Twin Flame Life goals, and get really embodied so you can be fully present to your Beloved! The chia seeds and brain octane are super food healthy fats that nurture the brain. Raw cacao is the ultimate of Twin Flame medicines.
Twin Flame Love Recipe Ingredients:
- 1 ice cube size portion raw cacao paste
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon Brain Octane oil by Bulletproof
- 2 tablespoons coconut cream (ideally fresh, but canned works too)
- One drop wild orange essential oil
- 6 ounces pure springwater
- Sprinkle of nutmeg
- Sprinkle of cardamom
- Love and bliss
Mix all ingredients together in a power blender. Sprinkle some extra nutmeg on top. State a blessing such as, “I am worthy of being loved, and I drink in my own love!” or “As I drink this elixir, I nourish myself with the deepest Twin Flame Love.”
The journey to Twin Flame Love isn’t always easy, but you can add in bits of bliss. It took me almost two decades to call in my Twin Flame Union, and I feel so blessed every day. However, I couldn’t have done it alone.
That’s why I highly recommend surrounding yourself with support–a tribe, a sisterhood, a healing community who sees and believes in your Twin Flame Love.
Join us for a complementary online Twin Flame Attraction raw cacao new moon ceremony, an experience of sisterhood and magic. We can’t wait to support you and see you call in your Beloved and MOONifest your heart’s desires with us:
Sign up for your free ceremony/class
by Dr Amanda Noelle | Jul 15, 2015 | Twin Flame Attraction, Twin Flame Love |
“Where is he? Where is he? Where is he!?” I would ask myself over and over again, like a broken record.
I looked far and wide for my Twin Flame, and it took me 35 years to hunt him down–but I finally did it!
I have written this article to help you expedite your Twin Flame attraction process so you can step into
Twin Flame Union way faster than I did.
Your Twin Begins Within
In order to unite with your Twin Flame, you must not only go out and look for a partner, you must first look within. You must love yourself before you can be loved. You’ve got to hit a decent level of emotional, financial, physical, and spiritual stability/strength to align with your Twin. The Twin Flame preparation process is essential work to be done before even asking the question “Where do I meet him?” Click here to watch this video meditation to attract your Twin Flame about self-love:
Without self-love–even if you were to go to all the right places at the right time–you wouldn’t recognize him/her. You could be in the same room and practically bump into each other, then continue complaining about how your Twin Flame will never come. I have seen it many times! Self-love is the true Twin Flame magnet. Even Twin Flame telepathy doesn’t solve the issue: you must become a beacon of love for it to stick.
When you are ready, this person seems to come out of nowhere
Just postulate for now that your Twin Flame was already in your neighborhood, crossing your path every day. He is even in your aura hearing these words in your head. Now it’s simply a matter of preparing your soul.
OK… So I think you get the point. Let’s saved in the preparation work and now you are ready to find your Twin Flame!
These are the top five places to meet your Twin Flame:
1) Twin Flacebook
You guessed it! In the modern-day world we live in, you cannot discount the biggest social media platform where people in your age-range and interest level hang out. It is kind of obvious when you think about it, but what is not obvious is the following – to use Facebook as a dating site (or twin flame sacred space, in our case) you have to reach out to people and hunt for what you want. My clients, fans, and friends have met their beloveds because one of the twins approached the other and ask for a Skype date. Are you going to judge yourself because this sounds nerdy, or are you willing to find your beloved who may be on the other side of the planet, happy to first connect with you on cyberspace? Don’t question your happiness… Just follow your intuition! Be creative! We are in a dating drought, but there is an epic amount of love around, so approach people for conversation and see where it goes.
2) Hey Yoga Girl…
Want to meet a hot, hunky fit guy while sculpting your sexy body as well? Why not hit the gym and tag two birds with one stone? It’ll be great to have a workout buddy and partner for life! Sometimes this takes compromise. You may like a women’s gym, for example. This doesn’t mean that you have to join a muscle-head gym, but try something like CrossFit or a yoga class where both sexes in your age group hang out.
3) Retreat Pray Love
Retreats are a great place to meet because we tend to have our hearts very open when we go on vacation. Whether you meet somebody on the actual retreat itself, or you expand your energy and meet someone when you come home, retreats will activate
Twin Flame Energy. We tend to be less focused on habits and home, and more on growth, expansion, and we are detached from human day-to-day needs. In fact, my parents met on a
spiritual retreat at Asilomar in Pacific Grove, California taking a class on Divine Feminine Divine Masculine polarity in the 70s. I appreciate that they were opening themselves to conscious spirituality when they met!
4) Spiritual Tribe
Despite the myth that it’s easy to meet someone at a bar or club, I have found it to be rare, unless you’re looking for simply a hot fleshy evening. If you’re looking for a committed spiritual partnership, you’ll want to tap into a spiritual or conscious community that suits you. You won’t be wasting time here either–even if you don’t meet someone right away, you’ll be blissing out with loved ones, which sets the stage for your Twin Flame. Soul Family and conscious connection is part of the Twin Flame Union tapestry.
5) Stop! Hobby Time!
Do what you love, and your love will follow. Hiking. Camping. Tango dancing…. I have heard it so many times. “I always wanted to learn to fly fish, and I met my guy there!” Try something new; it could be salsa dance, or acting improv, or cooking classes. Doesn’t matter what it is as long as it blisses you out.
It helps if you can attend activities where the available singles hang out. But even if you don’t meet your partner there, I have seen it where someone gets set up on a date though a sisterhood circle. So don’t focus on meeting someone, focus on following what pleases YOU. And someone who pleases you will be certain to arrive.
I met my beloved while dancing at Ecstatic Dance Oakland. Ecstatic Dance is one of my favorite hobbies, and some of my best friends and Soul Family surrounded me there. I was in full body, mind, and spiritual bliss and was dancing in my feminine power.
If you are a Twin Flame woman who enjoyed this article, we invite you to come play with us…get more yummy Twin Flame activation at the Aphrodite University New Moon Raw Cacao Ceremony which happens this month. It’s a community online live event; it’s
FREE, and you’ll also get a FREE Twin Flame activation cacao elixir recipe! Opt-in here. XO,