Embrace the Shakina to Become a Magical Six-Figures Rich Fairy!
Something BIG just happened. It is CRAZY! I am all teary… I chose to believe in magic a few years ago, and I chose to prove it to myself, even if my partner didn’t believe in me and left me heartbroken. Little old me who used to suffer from fear, poverty issues, and low-self esteem had a BREAKTHROUGH tonight!
My piggy bank just squealed with pleasure. It used to writhe in pain.
Like a toddler who realized that she had a handful of gum balls in her pocket, I just realized that I made my first $15,000 month. In a MONTH, and seriously without even trying, not really caring, working 2 days a week while just ‘playing’ and healing. Doing my ‘BLI$$ness thing‘ while traveling in Italy! I have been testing out my theory that High-Healed Priestess wealth comes from a combination of 20% action, and 80% magic. So I have been working very little, and only in flow and bliss, and blissing a lot. And it’s paying off!
$15K is what I made in 3 or 4 years during my twenties, on average. Because I had such low self-esteem then, because I’d forgotten who I am.
My Higher Self channels: Dear Ones, do not forget who you are! Do not believe what they say! It is all but a program, like a programmed code. You come from ancient sacred bloodlines, each of you, from the Sangraal, and all you have to do is activate your divine royalty!
It’s time to end self-hadred, spiritual poverty, and PURSEecution
For those of you suffering from low self-esteem, trauma, poverty, and shame: know that inside you is a great God/dess, because you are a reflection of the Great God/dess, The Almightly, The Shakina and you are never alone. Here is a video that I made to share why many women are hurting in their wallets, the low self-esteem and trauma from past-lives and ancestral wounds creates what I call “PURSEcution:”
[fvplayer src=’http://youtu.be/B6OFxlLSioM’]
I’m magical, I’m a fairy, I’m a Starchild, and I am a High-Healed Priestess! As a human woman, I may be a little ridiculous, or even a lot sometimes, but I CAN DO ANYTHING, as long as I don’t forget my Starpowers!
You are a goddess of abundance.
My soul came from the Higher Dimensions to show you (and me!) that if I can do it, so can you. That even a woman in 2010 who fell apart, who was heartbroken, who got arrested for doing mushrooms, who was dirt poor, and who almost gave up on herself can make it, anyone can. I healed myself using 100% pure unconditional love, and I didn’t allow the fears to stop me. I know you can too.
I am a Little Shakina, and I am RISEN! Who is ready to join the self-realization love revolution!?
Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women swiftly attract easy abundance and their Twin Flame so they can live like goddesses.