The 30-Something Single Woman’s Dilemma
I’m 34, single, and loving it. As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, I love helping my single female clients meet their beloveds through healing, magic, and the Law of Attraction.
My life is a single woman’s fairytale. I have been working, living, and traveling with my hot pink Macbook Pro Retina-lover from several locations worldwide over the past few months: glitzy LA, ancient Crete, sexy Italy, relaxing Costa Rica, homey Berkeley, and again sexy Italy! It’s been CRAZY FUN, and sometimes I feel like I AM CRAZY too, like a high-end bag lady with so many ideas, passions, and fashions to bring with me to create new styles. Somehow, I am making it work, and it’s magical.
Yet with a clicking biological clock and knowing that my egg-time is limited, sometimes it’s hard to fully feel free in these precious single years.
Are you fearing the future?
Fears about the future can be scary. Fears about making a career for myself used to rule my life in my 20s; it paralyzed me and blocked me from living in my financial power. Luckily, around my 30th birthday, I had a breakthrough. I went through a Dark Night of the Soul that forced me to step into my financial power. I now have a successful dream business that enables me to live in both spiritual and traveler’s bliss. So no longer do I let my fears rule me; I let them come up, but then I let them pass. So of course part of me entertains the fear that my eggs will dry up before I meet Mr. Right, with all this distracting juicy fun and adventure, but the bigger part of me is much smarter than that…
Trust your life journey
I KNOW that I am going to be a mom. I get Starchildren visits in my dreams and meditations. I encourage you to allow yourself to dive into your deepest passions and trust that this time is a sacred single gal’s time that will prepare you as the Divine Twin Flame Bride.
I know I am going to find my Twin Flame soulmate some day, and birth everything that I always wanted to create. As a fairytale-believing child, I have always believed in magic and I’m starting to live it; but it’s realer and better and without the crazy co-dependence and lies!
I do believe that everything happens in perfect timing; it’s just that, for me, right now isn’t the timing for kids, for kids are forever. Right now on the planet, there is a huge shift, the rise of the Divine Feminine, that we have been waiting for for over 5,000 years, and I personally am savoring it! Same with the Twin Flame energies that have risen – when we step into them, there will be no going back.
I prefer to birth my single-girl life dreams before my Twin Flame Reunion, like creating Twin Flame couples, traveling, meeting soul family, and enjoy my independence for just a little longer.
That’s just me. That’s just my bliss…For now!
If you are a single woman who is finding herself, healing herself, and exploring her deepest passions, I salute you. Someday when we are changing diapers and waking up to the same partner for the rest of our lives, we will say, “Thank God I lived that crazy gypsy magical life when I was single so I could set the standard at bliss, adventure, and magic!” I truly believe that we’ll all be able to maintain this sense of magic, freedom, and fun within a marriage and parenthood and now is the time to prepare and figure it out!
Will it be too late to get pregnant?
The fact is, you can probably get pregnant in your late 30s and early 40s, as the research is starting to come out. Your bio clock probably isn’t ticking as fast as you think. According to one fertility study, of 770 European women who were having sex at least twice a week, 82 percent of the 35-to-39-year-old women conceived within a year, compared with 86 percent of 27-to-34-year-olds. If you’re a 30-something diva who doesn’t have a full craving to “settle down” yet, then I say settle up, and your Twin Flame and Starchildren will arrive that way. If you eat well, exercise, and live happily, and talk to your baby-spirits, you will likely be able to naturally conceive your little Starchild in your late 30s or early 40s, and be a great mom!
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helping stellar spiritual 30-40 something single women meet and marry their Twin Flames so they can have stellar families.