My Pleiadian Awakening, Fukushima Disaster, and Planetary Healing
The following story is 100% true, which is why I’m afraid to share it – because you’ll probably think I’m crazy! But here goes anyway, my soul says I have to:
My Pleiadian Awakening

About 2 years ago, I woke up early in the morning, and to my surprise, I wasn’t in my bed. Nope, I wasn’t even on earth – I was on the Pleiades, at a healing center/lab, where two spirit guides were working on me. One of them turned to the other and said, “I think she’s conscious.”
Slightly confused, groggy, and a little scared, I tried to make sense of what was happening to me. I was laid out on a healing table, and was connected to some sort of high-tech healing contraption. I couldn’t move my head or body. “Excuse me?” I asked them telepathically, “What’s going on here?” “We’re your Pleiadian spirit guides,” they responded telepathically, “We work with you regularly when you sleep at night. You are receiving a sound healing. Don’t worry, everything is OK.”
I asked my Pleiadian spirit guides for their names.
They told me that they were Sarah (pronounced Sar-agh) and Reido. Sarah was a brunette female, and Reido was an Asian-looking male. I then heard a sound coming from INSIDE my head, like chimes were being played in the center of my brain. It was a very strange sensation! Then, I heard another sound, which was less comforting. It sounded like a Darth Vader drone, a strange vacuum noise. I think my guides sensed my unease, and explained:
“We’re removing nuclear disaster energy from your body. You are part Pleiadian, and you have agreed to work with us [the Pleiadians] to absorb nuclear disaster energy so that we can clear it from your body when you sleep at night. You are helping disseminate nuclear disaster energy to keep earth safe.”
Ah, oooo-kaaaaaay…Good to know.
I awoke a few minutes later, happy to be back safe in my bed. Strangely, everything in my dream seems to align with the information written in books that I have since read about the Pleiadians, their healing technologies, and nuclear disaster prevention. I’ve always felt like I was from a different planet, and am very captivated by the Pleiades. I am honored to have become more conscious of my connection there, and understand why I’ve often felt like an alien!
It’s time to take action and save the planet
Why I am motivated to post this publicly is because I feel we need to take urgent action. The gravity of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima and its impact on Japan and the West Coast is growing. If there is another earthquake in Japan, environmental scientists have said, “It’s bye bye Japan. And everybody on the West Coast of North America should evacuate.” I’m not trying to frighten you. We Lightworkers, humans, and starbeings alike need to come together and pray about this. Global Meditation For Fukushima is a group helping organize group-prayer and healing, as well as Reiki for Fukushima, Japan, and Earth. Get sound healing, ask your crystal children for healing, mediate, eat seaweed etc, activate yourself, and practice tantra. Most of all, tune into LOVE.
Becoming aware of the ‘Fuck-You-She-Mar’ energies
So I posted my crazy Pleiadian experience on Facebook and was dumbfounded by how many other women had similar stories of being connected to their Star Homes. Here is one letter written to me that I found fascinating by Rosa, a soul sister FB friend:
“Hey Amanda!
Absolutely blown away by what you posted of your Pleiadian experience! I had the the craziest dream about four months ago and I was sitting by a lake surrounded by Pleiadian women who were showing me how to infuse water with healing frequencies and they also told me that Fukushima means Fuck, You, She (Divine Feminine) Mar as in (mare, sea), and it was an attack against the beautiful mother ocean and I was in so much pain crying and asking, What can we do?? And they told me that women will be taking in this negativity and transmuting it. We contracted to do this. Our heart energy can literally transform it into love and light. I can see specific symbols and codes in your aura that are to do with the feminine christ and I’m absolutely blown away and in awe of the light that you carry!!! We are so lucky to have you on this planet…so so grateful. Thankyou for reminding me of the help that we have from our star family who are always with us and thankyou for all that you are and all that you do.
Big love and hugs,
The Shakinah, Divine Feminine is rising through the ocean. Stella Marie, Aphrodite, Venus, Mary Magdalene, Sophia, are some of her names. The ocean of emotion within us that has been holding toxic anger, repression, raping, bloodshed caused by anger and patriarchal heartless decisions. Let us rise the Divine Feminine within our lives and our oceans for our bliss and that of the new generations. In respect of the Great Mother.
To clear these energies, tune into love, Divine Love, the magic medicine that can clear and heal nuclear energies instantly. That will connect all humans through our heartspace. That will connect all the nuclei of all the water molecules in the world, dancing at love. Release the fears.
How to turn nuclear energy it ‘new clear energy?’
To clear Fukushima energy, ask your Pleiadian and Galactic Family of Light for help. They are your future selves that have gone through the same mistakes we have. Call not onto fear but onto your Higher Self and your highest truth. Embody the Divine Mother in the darkest hour, and you will create a diamond of light to shine through. Take actions now to heal pollution, reduce emissions, and to build bliss and Divine Love- the greatest transmuters of darkness into Light.
Let us pray
“Let us pray together to purify the oceans and her inhabitants, to protect and honor our Mother Earth as we heal humanity, ourselves, and beyond. May we call for help from the Starry Nations as well. Let us remember our infinite divine powers and step into our missions with two feet, so that darkness is transformed into the greatest crystalline Light of Oneness, as we build our Heaven on Earth.”
ABC News Fukushima Video
Finally, you can educate yourself about the matter with the clip ABC News released about Fukushima here, and share the word with your tribe:
[fvplayer src=’’]
In love and deep respect,
Dr. Amanda Noelle
Dr. Amanda Noelle, also known as the Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps spiritual women awaken to their Divine Feminine so they can heal the planet through self-love and the Twin Flame Union.