Using Gratitude and Affirmations to Attract Your Twin Flame
Twin Flame Affirmations Are Powerful.
Are you a smart, conscious single woman who wants to attract her sacred life partner, but you also struggle with the following?:
- You fear you won’t be able to find and keep the relationship of your dreams
- You are dating the wrong people, and get so frustrated that you sometimes don’t date at all…You want to give up!
- You’ve been badly heartbroken, and it’s been hard trying to get back on the ol’ dating horse
- Even though you’re super spiritually connected, you somehow forget that angels have your back in your dating life and relationships
- You keep freaking out because you feel like you’re getting too old have your own biological Starchildren, or like life will be over before you know it and you’ll have died without experiencing your Great Love
Thanks for stopping by, Twin Flame Lover!
Hi. I’m Dr. Amanda Noelle, the Twin Flame Matchmaker. I am sharing these Twin Flame attraction affirmations and guidelines with you today to help call in your Beloved with gratitude, grace, and ease.
Let’s transform your fears into love so that you can attract your Twin Flame and flush out what doesn’t serve.
The vibration of fear slows down the Law of Attraction‘s ability to work for you; it tells the Universe that you’re not ready yet.
Fear blocks us from receiving the divine love that we desire. Take action–you deserve it!
Twin Flame Affirmations Are Powerful.
When it comes to attracting your ultimate soulmate, Twin Flame affirmations can be a major game-changer! Self-love affirmations can also be used to clear out negative family and childhood imprints, stagnation energy, low self-esteem blocks that can be holding you back in your psyche, your aura, even in your cells, water, and DNA.
In order to vibrate at Twin Flame Love, clear out these old karmas and toxins using the following affirmations with gratitude.
Your Twin Flame Affirmations Gift Pack includes the following:
- 11 Self-Love Affirmations, and my #1 Twin Flame Gratitude Affirmation to amplify your results.
- 7 Twin Flame Affirmations
- TF Affirmations Print Out (Suggestion: place it on your mirror)
- My #1 Twin Flame Gratitude Affirmation
Let it Go, Let the Fear Dissolve, and Let God/Goddess
One of the biggest aids to overcome fear is working with Divine Love. With Divine Love, we can attract and become anything we want (as long as it’s in the Highest Good).
The following affirmations will support you in awakening Divine Love within so you can call in:
- Your Twin Flame
- Your Soulmate Clients
- Abundance/money
- A soulmate of any sort (friend, employee, housekeeper)
- Any opportunity you desire
My Twin Flame “prescription” today is to go through theseTwin Flame affirmations using gratitude while feeling into Divine Love.
Staying in an Attitude of Gratitude Always Wins!
Gratitude can start small. Something as small as a smile, feeling the sunlight on your skin, or feeling connected to a pet counts.
Start feeling grateful for something–anything. Love it, accept it, be grateful for it.
Only then can the goodies seem to miraculously fall from the sky.
If there’s one thing missing in your Twin Flame Law of Attraction steps, it’s likely either that you have a Twin Flame Love Block to clear, or that you’re missing the ingredient of gratitude.
You are human; we’re designed to want more than we have, and it’s so easy to get frustrated and forget to be in the present. The present moment is the “mirror” of where your consciousness is currently.
Start seeing that where you’re at is perfect, so you can infuse it with love. It is only in the present moment that we can manifest.
Gratitude Opens You Up to a Vibration of Receiving.
To be in a vibration of gratitude, all you have to do is get into the feeling. Like opening your arms to the Universe and saying “I am open to receiving!” (one of my favorite affirmations!).
You can simply focus on things you’re grateful for, the blessings in your life. Even the imperfect blessings, like your home that is too small, your body that has asymmetry, your children that cause you strife, or your singledom that causes you loneliness at times. You can also be grateful for things you’re manifesting in the future and get excited about them. The subconscious knows no difference between past/present/future. Be grateful for them all.
To get to the Twin Flame vibration, you gotta be grateful for the love that you already have.
You are great. Get grateful for that!
You my single sista’ are worth a million bucks…more, infinite bucks. You are a priceless gift from God/Goddess and it’s not even funny.
Gratitude Writing Exercise
Create a sacred space. Write down all the things you’re grateful for now.
This exercise can include things from your past, like “I’m grateful I graduated with honors,” things from your present, like “I am grateful that I have a lovely group of friends,” and things from the future, such as “I am grateful for my Twin Flame relationship that’s coming in.”
Put future manifestations and affirmations in present tense to tell your subconscious that they are happening now, as future tense “I am grateful for my future relationship” perpetually keeps it in the future, which is no good if you actually want that Twin Flame relationship or X thing!
You may want to write these on separate pieces of paper and place them in a gratitude jar. You can pull an affirmation from the jar each day and place it on your desk/mirror to further activate you.
Twin Flame Affirmation Time.
When it comes to attracting your Twin Flame, these affirmations are a very powerful tool.
Self-love affirmations clear out family and childhood blueprints and low self-esteem blocks that can be stuck in your subconscious, in your aura, even in your cells, water and DNA. In order to vibrate at Twin Flame Love, you have to heal and clear out these old toxins. Affirmations are a power tool to do so.
My #1 Twin Flame Gratitude Affirmation:
“I am my love and my love is me. I am grateful for my own love and for the love surrounding me. I am grateful for all the love in my life, down to every last human, every last animal, plant, mineral, and spinning molecule in the Cosmos. I affirm my love and gratitude for God/Goddess, for myself, for all beings, and of my Twin Flame relationship.”
7 Twin Flame Attraction Affirmations:
- I AM loved my my Twin Flame
- I AM my Twin Flame
- My Twin Flame Reunion happens now
- I allow my Twin Flame Union to align naturally with ease and grace
- I unblock and cancel all old Twin Flame karmas
- I clear all karma with my Twin Flame Counterfeit and any Karmic Soulmates now
- I allow my Angels and guides to support me in calling in and aligning my Twin Flame Union
11 Self-Love Affirmations
- I AM the Beloved
- I AM loved
- I love and accept myself fully and completely
- I AM divinely lovable!
- I AM divinely perfect
- My body is my temple, and she is divine
- God/dess loves me
- I AM a child of God/dess
- I AM a child of the Divine Mother
- I AM a child of the Divine Father
- I am the perfect blend of Twin Flame Love of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
Repeat your affirmations daily, as much as possible!
Morning and night are great times to journal in bed, affirmations to paper. Daytime I like to do affirmations while I run, dance, and move my body.
To your high-self esteem, high-end, high-income, High-Healed Priestess happiness! In joy, love, and gratitude.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps smart spiritual women call in their Beloved at light speed the pleasurable way.