Is Money the Root of all Evil, or Is Your Root Chakra Just Needing Love?
I ask spiritual women how much money they’d like to be making one year from now, and they so often respond “I want to make 50K a year.”
I don’t blame them for asking for so little; I was there too once. I used to make just 5,000 bucks a year when I was in grad school, and I was in grad school for a long time! I was afraid that I didn’t deserve money, or even that money was the root of all evil. Ultimately, I just didn’t get how to blend money and my bliss, and I am a bliss girl. If life isn’t fun and easy, I don’t want to participate.
Remember, you are worthy of being remunerated in abundance. You are worthy. Period.
As a Divine Feminine entrepreneur you should be charging upwards of $200/hour–and that’s minimum wage. And why not ask for more?
How do I charge $5000-$50k to help people, you ask?
There are a million ways to do this, but it’s a combination of strategy plus a high-dose of falling in love with money.
But in’t money bad, evil, inherently wrong?
Look, I get that you are a spiritual woman, and that you have a big purpose. So you’re wondering how you could charge upwards of $5,000 to a client to do what you love. It may seem ridiculous at first, especially when you’re used to working so hard for money. Money for many means misery. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I prefer the Divine Feminine blissful way of merging with money’s Masculine attributes. Follow me…
Doesn’t it make more sense to work for yourself, instead of working for ‘the man,’ where you’re not making an impact on the planet? Doesn’t it make sense to quit your day job and start a path of entrepreneurship, if you can make 6-figures working 3 days a week? Why aren’t more people joining us here?
So many humans are brain-washed to believe life has to be hard and painful. I was one of them.
Honestly, there is no correlation between how much you can earn and hard you have to work. With the internet, the Law of Attraction, and outsourcing, you can make as much as you want in as little time as you want (eventually). There are tools and tactics you use, plus the limiting beliefs you gotta shed…but if you choose it, it is yours to claim.
Are you just running away by playing small and not charging your full value?
It can be uncomfortable to step into your biggest power. It can be terrifying to ask what you deserve, especially if you are a woman who watched many women around you (even your mother) not stand up for what she’s worth. Maybe you’ve dated men who milk you for your energy and who don’t value you. Maybe you don’t value yourself. So you cannot imagine charging more than $60/hour for your time.
Why not value yourself like you are a goddess, and align your divine gifts with what consumers need, and serve them?
Sure, I look forward to a time when we can give so generously that we do not need money systems.
I would love to buy a plane ticket based on divine love, or get medical care for free like I’m at Burning Man. I’d like it if we didn’t have to worry about money at all. But we are not there yet ladies.
It is not time to give up on the money systems yet, it’s time to embrace them and step into your power as the goddess you are. It’s time to activate the money systems with your Divine Feminine energy.
Despite appearances, you are divinely limitless. You’re infinitely abundant–and YES this does translate into the physical world if you learn to ground your wealth properly. Most spiritual women give up before they hit the ground; they assume that money has to be a source of pain or otherwise it’s wrong.
Money can bring up the deepest pain and shame–even the deep trauma of a rape from a grandmother who stayed in that marriage because she had to because of money limits at that time.
Women label themselves as being wrong or bad if they like money (but who really likes poverty or taking vows of poverty!?). Money can be a ticket to freedom if you use it lovingly.
But like anything without alignment with your soul, it can be darkness or poison. So I urge you to have a loving and sacred marriage with money. I call it Holy MatriMoney.
Are you carrying ‘money demons’ that tell you that your money is wrong? Darling, you must clear these hairy demons out so that you can live and work without fear, lack, or limitation. It is your divine truth after all my abundant sister!
We will not stay stuck in this limitation paradigm forever, but we do have to break free from it and not live in hiding within it. Please stop hiding behind false limitations. Don’t stay stuck at that small shallow corporate job pretending it’s OK and waiting for some day.
Some day your prince will come if you quit that painful path and claim the path of pleasure. Connect with your Ka$h King, your ultimate pleasure form of money.
What if money were the most pure divine expression of exchange between two beings–people or organizations? What if you were to relish in the exchange of money, in large amounts, between you and others–like water cycling between the sky and the earth, evaporating and raining and cycling back again?
What if currency exchange was ecstatic, fun, and even erotic?
And what if you were to discover that money were simply a currency of divine abundance–an electrical energy flow, honoring each other in divine value?
You are the Divine Gold. You are the Golden Child, a reflection of the Great One. Your money is a golden reflection of you and your divine worth. Even if you have none, you are infinitely loved.
Yet expressing your abundance with others can be an act of divine devotion if you allow it. In God We Trust, says our USD. And why have we forgotten to trust our own abundance?
It’s time to reclaim your abundance, your own unique currency and emit your own frequency through the USD, Euro, Peso, Bit Coin, etc! Namaste
Please enjoy this goddess abundance video to activate your money codes: