Hi Priestess of Pleasure! Are you ready to call in your most delicious heart-based relationship–a guy (or gal) who gets hooked on your heart?
The following secrets are for you if it’s your time for:
- Your divine partner (AKA Twin Flame)
- Better sex coming from the heart
- Passionate love that comes from a heart unbroken
- Holy MatriMoney, money that flows from the heart
To give a man a heart attack, you simply have to heal your own heart first so you can mirror his love. A broken mirror yields broken reflections. A sparkly whole mirror yields her Twin Flame.
I learned this the hard way ladies, and ended up on heartbreak rinse-n’-repeat for decades. I wish I’d known these secrets back then!
But thank Goddess I learned how to heal my heart: now I have a man who is 110% committed, in love, and we have a deep heart connection that goes beyond words.
I want this for you.
To give your dream guy a heart attack, you have to become the whole, radiant goddess you truly are, and fall in love with yourself first.
Then, he will never leave you, always love you, and always listen to his own heart.
I’m not saying you can do this with just any crush–wait to see if he’s worthy before declairing that he’s the one. Only women who truly love themselves can let settling-for-less relationships go and trust that their is a Twin Flame out there for them.
So what if your heart was broken last year, last lifetime, or the last time you looked in the mirror? You can always heal your heart. If I did it, you can too as long as you put in the self-care time with self-love.
If you want love to come to you, then you will have to become the Beloved first.
Want a bit of heart chakra magic to blast off your fairytale?
I have a heart-healing High-Healed Priestess anointment secret just for you: palma rosa essential oil.
The supportive qualities of sacred palma rosa:
- Healthy skin
- Cellular support
- Calming yet refreshing
- Helps to open the heart chakra -connect with Mother Earth -gives you a sense of security and unconditional love
- Heals the heart chakra from boo boos, bad childhoods, and breakups
How to use palmarosa:
Use 50:50 base oil to essential oil
Apply several drops (2-4) on location
Apply to heart chakra and hand chakras
Directly inhale
Dietary Supplement
Amanda’s Heart Chakra Seductress Anointment:
Grab a little mixing bowl or mortar and pestle…
Add 10 drops palma rosa to
10 drops rose and
1 drop cinnamon essential oil
Mix in a heaping spoon of coconut oil
The anointment is ready for the heart-chakra opening meditation ritual.
Magdalene Rose Meditation Ritual Anointment:
Mary Magdalene represents the erotic rose energy of the Sacred Bride whose heart is open wide.
I designed this sensual meditation to be fun and playful. To me, meditation tends to be taught in our culture like a boring painful punishment where you have to sit still like Buddha or bust. No offense to anyone, but that has never worked for me as my feminine energy likes to move in waves of bliss. So I always prefer to create a spa-style sensual meditation ritual, one that invokes my lower chakras, body, and sacred sexuality.
You can use this love-rub alone or with a partner to heal your heart and blast open to more bliss, as a sacred palma rosa meditation.
Get naked and lay on your back somewhere comfy, candles and incense lit. Play sensual music; I like Pandora Radio’s Deva Premal station, it works well here.
Start by massaging the anointment into your palms to awaken the healing energy or qi. Then your spread it onto your heart and breasts, stimulating the heart energy.
Imagine expanding it and moving it out to your extremities as you physically massage the blood from your heart to your hands and feet.
Focus on any areas that need love, like the womb space, kidneys, low back, feet, etc. stating prayers for healing or listening to guided wisdom that comes through. Trust the process and enjoy.
Note: this oil isn’t the best for yonis since it contains cinnamon oil.
You will likely be turned on and heart-ready for some good sexy time with this Magdalene rose anointment, so be ready with some yoni-friendly oils if you wish to anoint your precious PU$$Y.
Enjoy, comment on the blog here, and see you soon! 🙂
XO, Amanda