To manifest like a goddess, you have to start treating yourself like a goddess.
A true goddess is willing to come off her pedestal, or come down from the sky and serve. She isn’t afraid to roll up her sleeves, take off her tiara and get dirty. Because the world needs to be saved by the goddess at this point.
If you don’t heal the planet, who will?
Luckily, making the planet a better place starts at you. Starts by loving and healing yourself and discovering your soul’s worth and soul purpose.
To manifest like a goddess, you must love all beings like a goddess.
It’s time to start loving all beings, starting at yourself. Forgiving, accepting, letting go of old stories. Forgive even the bitch in your gym who gives you the evil eye, and send her love. She’s just a reflection of you. Letting go of that slimy catty competition will open up a field of limitlessness.
None of that greed stuff anymore sister! It ends up making you feel hungry, tired, insatiable and addicted. I bet you are so are so done being addicted to:
- Men
- Love
- Money
- Twin Flame relationships
- Heartbreak
- Workaholism and jobs that don’t suit your soul
- Junk food, alcohol and other substances that don’t sooth your soul
Great. It’s time!
It’s time to step into your divine potential. To live in love and prosperity your way. To find a partner who reflects how much you can love as a soul, versus trying to keep up with the Joneses and hiding your true colors. Time to stop playing small and pretending you’re someone you’re not.
No more beating yourself up for not being enough.
You’re skinny enough, popular enough, pretty enough, smart enough. Enough of being enough!…it’s time to focus on pleasure, passion, and purpose. That’s IT!
Watch this video to learn how to live like a goddess so you don’t have to sell out at a corporate job, date a guy for the money, settle for less, pretend you love fitting into tiny boxes, or sell your soul to the man! CLICK HERE:
Dr. Amanda Noelle helps overachieving women fall in love with themselves so they can attract their Divine Partner and have Love Children!