As a Twin Flame Matchmaker, it’s my role to help single conscious women call in their Twin Flame in 6 months or less.
My beloved Jack and I often help our clients manifest true love even in the first month of working with us without online dating!
We have a very high success rate (approximately 90%) in helping women find love the easy way because we teach them how to matchmake themselves using their Higher Self.
I’d love to share our top 3 dating secrets with you so you can call in your beloved fast with what I call ‘divine dating.’ This sacred approach to dating and Twin Flame Attraction removes the need for online dating, unless you like dating via the web of course.
Before we get started with these 3 secrets , I want to underline that Jack and I spend most of our efforts helping our clients clear out their Twin Flame Love Blocks–the old patterns that hold them back from manifesting their ultimate partner.
Truly, we are simply looking at ourselves in the Twin Flame Mirror: when we heal ourselves, we can quickly call in the love we desire. Thus, before using these tips, I highly suggest working with an expert or participating in a program that will quickly help you identify and bust your Twin Flame Love Blocks so you don’t attract a Twin Flame Counterfeits–a false Twin Flame who run and never give you the love you deserve.
OK, here we go, these are the three secrets to Divine Dating. Note that I list these in ascending order, so the most important secret is at the bottom.
Secret #1: Date Selfishly
This secret doesn’t sound very divine or heart-centered, but it actually is. In reality, when we come from a place of trying to please and appease others, we don’t do justice to us. You are your biggest responsibility and asset. When you put yourself last or even second, it tells the Universe that you don’t regard yourself as the most important center of your YOUniverse. Without honoring your desires, no one can truly hold the space for you either. No one can really fully connect with you when you aren’t connected to you.
Dating selfishly shows the other person you have a self–which is a total turn on to the enlightened guy or gal! You’ll attract your equal–someone else who is rocking his or her soul purpose and who has a strong sense of self. Then, and only then, you can become a Twin Flame Power Couple.
Start by stepping into your desires with a desires journal. Start writing down your biggest dreams and desires regularly if you don’t do this already. It will send a message to the Universe that you are ready for what your heart desires so you can call it in. There are some helpful ways to write Twin Flame affirmations in this blog here.
Secret # 2: Treat Each Date As Your Husband/Wife
I know this may sound odd, but if you can treat the entire world as your Twin Flame, you begin to embody a Twin Flame frequency…
Most singles tend to make chit chat, try to act like they’ve got all their stuff together, and show their best self in front of a first date… But they don’t go deep and they miss the window of golden opportunity to really get to know someone.
Don’t waste your time. Go on a date and pretend that you are meeting a Divine King or Queen. Open your heart and speak to this person with the fullest respect, gentle listening presence, and hold them with love.
What I truly mean here is: treat the men/women you date as sacred beings. Know that you were divinely guided to connected with each other, by no mistake.
Treat them how you want to be treated as a goddess, knowing that this person was meant to go on a date with you, goddess! Hold that space for them, and soon the space will be held for you.
Basically, this one is the Golden Rule of Divine Dating… Treat others as you want to be treated, and hope that one of them will treat you as well as you’ve been treating them!
The good karma will come around fast.
I know it isn’t always easy to put yourself out there with a stranger and treat them with love at first glance. But this is what we Twin Flame Lovers must do.
“You are ready for your Twin Flame when you can love the entire Universe as your Twin Flame.” -Anonymous
It’s not easy…Trust me, I have gone out with many men on many bad dates, so I can imagine what you’re thinking of my advice right now! But give it a chance with unattached love.
I am not saying to mistreat yourself, to endanger yourself, or to break your sacred boundaries. Nope! In fact, I teach my clients how to own their ‘Sacred No’ so they can express love and say no to anyone while remaining in integrity…it’s what you do to honor and respect your Twin Flame because they are merely a reflection of you (to respect them it starts at you).
When I was dating, I started practicing treating each date as if he were my Twin Flame. I treated each man with the most respect, loving attention and care, and I communicated my thoughts openly.
I am a very open and loving spirit, but I was conditioned to hold it back because it’s not ‘normal’ to speak your thoughts so openly, especially on a first date. Maybe you feel the same way? You notice yourself meeting new people and hiding parts of yourself?
That’s natural. I mean why should we share who we really are and treat new people like they are divine reflections of us? Often they were uncomfortable with it anyways…
I pissed a few men off because I spoke my heart, and what I shared wasn’t always something they wanted to hear, like “I feel like you want to kiss me right now, and I am honored by that, but I am not feeling an urge to be kissed by you.” Sometimes disappointing people in a loving way towards you is the best way to treat them as your Twin Flame.
Which leads us to secret # 3…
Secret # 3: Know That That it Is all Happening for a Divine Purpose
We think about dating as a have-to and a headache. We dread dating most of the time, especially these days where Tinder and all the online apps make it so convenient, yet such a hassle!
Most of us think of going on dates as this treacherous duty we have to fulfill and that God/Universe is not looking out for us. We think of it as random, haphazard, and that if we date duds we’re just unlucky.
I have dated many duds, but I look back and each dud dude was a divine gift. Wow! If only I’d seen it then…
I was dating mismatches because they were mirroring the way I was receiving and perceiving myself. Then I started sending love to the duds and consciously letting them go, and at the same time I let go parts of myself that weren’t allowing me to shine and believe that I could have the perfect match.
It was then that I met my perfect Twin Flame, my fiancé Jack.
What if you were to think about dating as a divinely matched healing experience, where whatever and whomever you manifested is part of the reality you are creating?
Truly, every little nuance of a date is created for you, by you, to learn and grow. To see old patterns and release them.
This takes you from victim to victor, where you can really start creating your Twin Flame Life using the Law of Attraction. Then you can start seeing the miracles, the lessons, the gifts in each moment. Even the not-so-pretty moments.
Sure, you’re dating with the intention to meet and marry your Twin Flame. But you have to let go of expectations and surrender to the moment. You will call in your beloved, but it may take a few more dates, lessons, and adventures. Keep healing yourself, keep working with your mentors and getting the help you need to identify and bust your Twin Flame Love Blocks so you don’t repeat unhealthy programs and patterns.
Then, you will be on a date with your Twin Flame soon, and this will all be history 🙂
Each day is a sacred dance, as the earth rotates around its axis we learn and grow a little bit more towards the light. Maybe your date next Tuesday won’t be the one, but it will be the one for that date, that day, that hour…Bring him or her your fullest presence, for you are a gift. And whenever you share it, you shine light and give something back to the planet.
Namaste, Amanda
PS: To learn more, watch this video: The #1 Dating Mistake Twin Flames Make (and How to Avoid It)