Most of you know that I am a Twin Flame Matchmaker, and that I help women and the occasional man instantly attract their Divine Partner by discovering their soul purpose and marrying themselves first.

The following article is designed to help conscious entrepreneurs and Divine Feminine leaders to align, or be matched with their soul-aligned business partners, divine biz partnerships, and affiliate partners.

Are you ready to be “matchmade” to the following:

  • To your Twin Flame beloved?
  • To your pure and true Divine Soul Purpose?
  • To the people who help you make money?
  • To all your business partner(s), joint ventures, and affiliates?

If so, keep reading….

While I am committed to creating as many Twin Flame matches as possible, I am also committed to creating Divine Partnerships in business as well, for I believe these are a key in building solid structures for a safe, sane and sacred society.

How can we create a new world if we–our leaders–are not aligning with our soul family in business, Soul Purpose, and leadership?

Any business partnership is just as sacred as a Twin Flame partnership.

Truly, there is no difference between a Twin Flame partnership and any other type of soulmate partnership in terms of soul contract, energy, and alignment.

When we can treat all beings as we treat our Twin Flames and ourselves, we can live the ultimate Twin Flame life.

Check out the following video with my soul sister Jocelyn Gordon, whom I met while traveling in Bali, Indonesia.  Dr. Amanda Noelle

Incidentally, Jocelyn became pregnant right after doing our retreat projects together–a coincidence!?

What I love about Divine Business Partnerships is that they feed your soul as well as your pocketbook–the way it should be!

Click here to check out HoopYogini!