Twin Flame Law of Attraction

Twin Flame Law of Attraction

You might as well get what you want in this lifetime. Why not attract it?

Whether it’s money, a house, or Twin Flame Love, according to the Law of Attraction, you can have it. We are co-creating everything that exists; YOU are creating this lifetime for yourself. This is YOUR storyline, your script, despite what it may appear to your conscious mind.

To become a victim in the plot is simply an experience from which we can learn. I should know… I have been a five-star victim at times. A few years ago, I was desperate, depressed, broke, and heartbroken. I cried out in heartache for almost 2.5 years straight… “Why was I left so coldly by a partner who I thought would marry me!?”  That was the victim-record playing on re-play in my head. I blamed him for not loving me.

I hated the Universe for providing me with a “fool’s gold Twin Flame.” I was brutally humiliated. I was sad. I was pissed! But what I didn’t know is that I was attracting this situation through the Law of Attraction.

Owning Your Reality Helps You Attract What You want

I CREATE MY REALITY! And moreover: I AM LOVE!thumb-4 Once we realize this, we can live in our scripts the way we like them, in affinity with our soul. It gives us the power to create what we want, versus creating from unconscious fear.

We must first accept what we have created, and realize the gift within it. I now see that my Twin Flame Counterfeit actually gave me the biggest lesson of love.

Thus, we Must Create From Love

The biggest secret to the Law of Attraction is creating from love. It’s a feeling, an emotion from a deep loving place inside of you.  When I help my clients attract their partners, we first must tune into deep soul love.  Self-love, and unconditional and infinite Divine Love. Then we ask, What do I TRULY WANT? The answer is always some form of “I want love. Real love. Unconditional that comes from within.”

money law of attraction And I want it in pink. I want it with a bow on top, and a cherry too. And abundance, financial wealth and bliss, and love for all my friends, clients, family, and tribe! You can use specific things that you want to entice you, such as X kind of car, X tall person with X job, but in the end it is the energy that counts. The energy and love are the only thing that are real, after all. Everything else is simply an illusion.

The Secret to Twin Flame Law of Attraction 

I have helped hundreds of single spiritual women attract their divine partner, sometimes even within hours using the Twin Flame Law of Attraction.  The key secret is simple really: it’s tuning into love. Release the fear, and tune into love. Simple as that!  Once you truly turn into deep Divine Love, all belief systems that slow down magic and attraction become obsolete.

I believe that we’re all meant for living Happily Ever After. YOU are love, and so am I, and so is she, and so is the rock over there. From my own experience and witnessing many others, I can attest that all love attraction starts from within. Further, surrendering to HOW it happens while still commanding the Universe that it MUST happen that it WILL is important as the Universe is fluid and works faster than your brain’s desires. I know that this whole Divine Love thing can be scary, especially if you’ve fallen off the horse once or twice and ben severely let down in your life by a loss, trauma, heartache, or death.

Since my victimhood, I have begun to command my reality. I actually enjoy seeing why I have created flops, mistakes, and disappointments. I am weaving together a beautiful life that I absolutely love. I am traveling the world, connecting with soul family, working as a high-end healer, making an abundant income while working very little, and eating the best food ever, every day! This is a dream I’ve always wanted to live out before meeting my Twin Flame and having Starchildren.When I am ready to attract my Twin Flame, I know I can do it because I have helped so many others do it, and I have enjoyed using the Law of Attraction to find loving soulmates to keep me fueled up on love! We just have to be ready for whatever we ask for. If I can do it, so can you. Because, seriously, I was the worst case of victimhood energy I can imagine!


I wrote a blog article How Do I Know if Someone Is my Twin Flame? in order to help you ask the right questions to determine whether or not he or she is the one. You are an ancient master, the answers lie within, and you have a big love sitting at your center: your Divine heart!

Love to you!

Dr Amanda Noelle



Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps single stellar women align with their Twin Flames so they can birth Starchildren.