What if I’m Just too Scared to Find my Twin Flame That I Sabotage Myself?

What if I’m Just too Scared to Find my Twin Flame That I Sabotage Myself?

twin flame reunionAre you perfectionist? A self-saboteur? A woman who is tip-toeing around her true power?

You are not alone sister…I am noticing a theme in the women in my life, my own life included.

We are way too fucking hard on ourselves.

It’s time to stop.

For in order to call in your Twin Flame, you have to fall in love with yourself.

You can’t be beating up on yourself all the time, as that pushes him away and calls in Twin Flame Counterfeits and runners who (conveniently) reflect our self-hatred.

The problem is that most women are so hung up by perfectionist thought-programs that they can’t let their Divine Feminine energy rise!

Instead of focusing on their pleasure (which DOES call in Twin Flame Love), they obsess about their skin/hair/nails/bikini line, bank account, Facebook profile, job success, and oh so many other things!
But focusing on our pain repels Twin Flame Love.

If you want love, you’ll gotta drop the perfectionist thing.

But first, why do we women constantly obsess over shit that doesn’t truly matter, and we let the things that DO matter pass us by–like pleasure and love?

I’ll tell you….Wanna know the #1 reason why women hate themselves?!Twin Flame Love Boat

We suffer so much because we got it from our mamas!

Here me out.

I’m not trying to blame your mom… I just want to bring to light the circumstances and energies that need your healing.

Here’s the thing: your mom suffered greatly before you came aronud, because she wasn’t encouraged to shine, particularly in her lower chakras, and particularly in her yoni and  around her Sacred Sexuality.

Because for generations, women have have been shamed for being women, and for being sexual beings!
We’ve been lost in the whole Madonna-Whore Complex, where we got trapped between mis-fit paradigms.

So, your mom raised you without a solid foundation in her sacral chakra. She did not know her sexual strength and beauty.

On top of this, she coudln’t even talk about her sexual shame and the horrible things that happened to her as a girl and woman!

Unfortunately you were raised by a woman who felt ashamed of her womanhood and her own sexuality; thus she coudn’t mother you properly like a Divine Mother would.

Likely, your mother could not:

  • Encourage your beauty
  • Support your Sacred Sexuality
  • Set healthy boundaries with men, and teach you to do so with the masculine
  • Set healthy boundaries with women, and teach you to do so with the feminine
  • Role model to you how GOOD it is to be a goddess!
  • Teach you how to express your Sacred Feminine pleasure in a safe, and healthy way

Our moms, they did their best.

Now it is YOUR time to do your best, and do much better.

Twin Flame Affirmation for Mother Healing:

“Thank you Mom, you did your best. I love you. I forgive you. It’s not your fault. It’s only as much your fault for my defects you granted me as a child as it is my fault that I hold deffects from my present.”


When we blame and shame our mothers – either consciously or subconsciously – we end up shooting ourselves in the foot. For on a certain level we ARE our mothers. We hold her within us, in our DNA.

So by healing yourself, your Sacred Sexuality, and by ending perfectionism, you heal your mother and every generation in your lineage, past/present/future.

I want you to feel fully proud of who you are, and that’s why I am whipping up healing rituals that cancel the mother wounds and open up the Sacred Mother Womb.

So is my friend Anaiya Sophia, which is why we talk about creating safe sacred rituals to heal shame and sexuality and nurture the Divine Feminine in our video “Womb Wisdom Temple Awakening,” which you can check out here.

XO, Dr Amanda 

PS: Pretty please do post in the comments on the video what you are healing in your womb wisdom! 🙂


Twin Soul Self-Love Secret: The Twin Flame Self-Marriage Meditation

Twin Soul Self-Love Secret: The Twin Flame Self-Marriage Meditation

What is the fastest way to your Twin Flame, the ultimate beloved?

I’m a Twin Flame Matchmaker, and I have seen it all. Many women I have worked with have attracted a Twin Flame runner, or even a Twin Flame Counterfeit–someone who looks like the part in every way, but who runs and who cannot sustain a long-term healthy relationship. Some of these ladies obsess over the lost love, but it brings them no where and Prince (or Princess) Charming doesn’t come back until they take this one action:

To choose self-love.

We must never abandon ourselves. We must crave our own love. We must heal our own hurts and tears and tears in our auras.

It’s simply falling in love with yourself, and aligning all your 7 chakras with YOU, singing at your own soul frequency.  Here is a Twin Flame meditation video I hope will help you:

Twin Flame Self-Marriage: Marry Yourself to Marry Your Twin Flame

Enjoy, and marry yourself, knowing that you are always pure love and deserve the very best from your beloved, and most of all, from yourself.



Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and the Founder of Aphrodite University.