(Lovingly) Fuck Twin Flame Runners
I say this with love and compassion. But I also say it with some mama bear passion with my sacred Hell NO!
I have the right to say this, to express my opinion. Especially after watching thousands of women come to me in tears because their supposed “Twin Flame” has run. I heard the same flipping the story over and over again, like a broken record! It makes you think that there’s probably something wrong with our society, not something wrong with these Twin Flame Runners and Chasers.
Women are constantly blaming themselves for making their Twin Flames run (sometimes without much explanation or even compassion) and she is left to pick up the pieces. In the process, she blames herself, and is often absolutely still sure that this man is her twin.
Here is what I have to say to this scenario: Fuck Twin fLame Runners!
A true man has balls… And he holds the moon for you! I had one of those Lame Flames that would blow out if I breathed too strong. I call him a Twin Flame Counterfeit, the TFC. It taste good, but it’s about as healthy for you as KFC. Killing Friendly Chickens.
For a really long time I believed that the other half of my soul just needed to wake up and that he would possibly come back someday. Just like they tell you in the fairytales… The handsome prince comes back to kiss the sleeping beauty. Though prince charming was distant, focused on his own goals and life without caring about me, I stuck around energetically anyways. Asleep at the wheel for thousands of years waiting for my prince.
Because society told me that this was Twin Flame Love, and I also think I was under some sort of witchy she spell, to be honest.
And so I stayed around for five fucking years holding my breath hoping that Prince Charming would somehow wake up and come back and make me feel loved again, as I had felt the moment we met.
While I send this flame of my past lots of love, I realize that it was a total counterfeit flame that was not serving my light for the long-term. Instead, it was sort of a shadow flame, a dark flame that stoked my passion for love and light. But it was not the love and light itself!
We have to lovingly forgive ourselves for being such freaking idiots in counterfeit love! How did I actually believe that someone who could abandon me in the middle of my deepest opening, activating my ancient wounds, and not stick around and hold me with unconditional love could be my Twin Flame?
I don’t know about you, but the other half of my soul would never abandon me. That’s not my style! I can safely say that the other half of my soul would never leave me high and dry during the most dramatic moment of my life. He would come towards me to resolve the situation the best he could, even if it was messy. My twin flame would never run, at least not for more than a few moments. And that’s how he would treat his children, his family, and his tribe.
My Twin Flame counterpart is a king who loves you and his people and who never leaves you or his people.
That’s why my current partner Jack and I are loving each other up so much. We’re very committed people – to the New Earth, and to Twin Flame Love…and so we don’t abandon. We don’t shut down our emotions and run. We communicate, we look into each others eyes, we work things out. Even when it’s dramatic and traumatic and scary.
Abandonment is not the sacred act of a Twin Flame, it’s not an act of true love. Abandonment is a sin, as sin simply means “to go without.” I never want to “Twin Flame sin” again, to go without my own self-love–to leave and abandon myself by hanging around waiting for some guy to come back. Staying stuck in the pain for thousands of life times while truelove could have been right there at my fingertips. Waiting for someone to come back who has abandon you is the worst thing for the inner child and for children. It touches upon the great father wound that has scarred each of us on the deepest level. In order to heal those heart tissues, we must commit to finding those who do not abandon. And to work on our abandonment issues ourselves.
We, especially women, need to be brave enough to ask for partners who stay.
Who work on the issues. And stop calling those runners our true Twin Flame. Find true sustainable flame he love. That’s 1 million times better than a sexy ungrounded affair that leads to years of pain and wounds… Twin Flame runners will drop the ball on you almost every time. But Twin Flame Stayers will love you and show up to do the work.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker