Root Chakras and Twin Flames: The Importance of Grounding the Union
As root chakra deals with our foundation of existence and how we see the world, it greatly impacts our relationships. Therefore, Twin Flames must ground this foundation first in order to heal trust issues, and open the upper chakras necessary for a full-pledged Twin Flame Connection.
Twin Flame love is like a rose–the heart cannot ground in a swampy root!
Unfortunately most people today are dealing with some serious self-love and self-esteem issues. For instance, in a recent study by Dove, they found that only 4% of women see themselves as beautiful.
Self-love and Twin Flame energies start at the root, and we must heal all the chakras. So, it’s important to start your healing journey at the foundation: the root chakra.
What exactly is the root chakra?
The root chakra is our connection to Gaia, aka Mother Earth and her energies that empower our bodies and beings. It allows us to stay grounded so we feel safe, secure, centered, and happy in our bodies. It also connects us with our ancestors, the ones who have gone before us.
The root chakra is connected to our survival energies, to abundance, to finances, and if we have unhealthy root chakras we are in lack, poverty, and survival mode. Many Twin Flames are healers who were taught to take vows of poverty, where money was “the root of all evil.” Such Twin Flames must clear their root chakras and their belief systems around money in order to create a strong foundation for their lives and Twin Flame Unions.
What does this symbol represent?
The downward-pointing triangle is a symbol of spirit connecting with matter, grounding on the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. It’s seen as the center of our vital life force and is the seat where kundalini stays coiled, dormant, until it wakes up to distribute its energy through all the other chakras.
Where is your root chakra located?
The root chakra or Muladhara (“mula” or root and “adhara” or foundation) is our body’s fundamental energy center which is located at the base of our spine or tailbone area.
1. You either have trouble saving money or you’re obsessed with it.
You worry that you don’t have enough money, you have anxiety about your financial status, you either spend too much (or think you do!).
2. You have trust issues
You block everyone, you don’t have a healthy relationship with anyone since you’re lacking the “trust” part, and you always want to do it alone in your safe space.
3. Your focus is work, work, work (and little play)
You drown yourself with work, but with that you get burnout easily; you don’t usually go out to see people or friends as much as you’d like as you are always tired from work. You might have little energy left over for your Twin Flame Union.
4. You have an eating disorder
You tend to either eat more than you need and not care about yourself, or you starve yourself as a result of your inability to nourish yourself with Mother Earth’s love, which may connect to your anxiety or depression.
5. You have boiling anger inside
You may hold grudges and lash out to people when you feel like it. You have that powerful will to try to control everything and everyone around you.
6. You experience physical issues
Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, heart ailments, lower back pain, constant tiredness, digestive issues, cramps, strained legs and feet, weight gain especially in the lower part of your body, and your hands and feet are often cold.
7. You have not been going after your goals (or have few of them)
You don’t know how to proceed on your next step. You feel lost and are stuck in a loop wondering why you’re not moving forward with your career or life. You’ve let go of numerous opportunities saying it is “not yet.” You may be waiting for your Twin Flame relationship to come in “Divine timing,” but that time seems to never come and months or even years have gone by.
8. You have little to no interest in intimate relationships
You may say you want your Twin FLame, but there is a lack of desire. This is likely because you lack the confidence to be with anyone, and you tend to shut down anyone who wants to have an intimate relationship with you. You’re afraid to let go, and love.
How to heal your root chakra
The root chakra is the bridge between your soul and body, where the energy you supply to your body makes your body whole. If you have an unhealthy body and soul, your root chakra is suffering.
You’ll want to heal yourself with these methods…
- Have an affirmation – Light an incense stick, be on a calm and comforting side of your house and meditate while chanting your affirmations.
(insert affirmation here)
- You and the environment – Enjoy the outside, be open with your surroundings, and be barefoot on the land if you want. Breathe in and out, connect with the ground and you’ll feel recharged.
- Have a warm bath – Select your favorite grounding organic essential oils (such as patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood, thieves, grounding, and frankincense), adding a few drops into your bath water within a base oil such as organic coconut oil; add sea salt or epsom salt to ease and detox your body. Just unwind. Breathe in the grounding from the essential oils, and breathe out the negativity you’re done with.
- Exercise – Do yoga, walk, dance, or whatever you want to perspire and ground. Be happy being active. Enjoy the freedom of moving your body, be carefree and just enjoy what you’re doing!
- Journalize – List all your fears and whatever makes you worry. Once you’ve accepted that you’re vulnerable and flawed (you’re human!), you can tap into love, and then your fears will lessen.
- Eat healthy “root” or “grounding” foods – Vegetables (especially root veggies like potatoes, yams, radishes, turnips, carrots) and fruits that come from the ground will increase your root chakra and feminine Yin energies. So enjoy baked veggies, green smoothie with kale, avocado, and banana, and enjoy every bite or sip, thanking Mama Earth for the bounty you’ve received.
- Have “red” stones or crystals – As red is the color associated with root chakra, it is advised to place red root chakra stones and crystals around your house. Jasper, agate, garnet, red carnelian. Bloodstones, hematite or any stones that are color red will help you (and thus your Twin Flame Union) to ground.
- Red, red, and red – Red clothing, red accessories, red flowers, or anything red that can be near you if possible can heal your root chakra. Twin Flames will want to buy themselves red roses at some point if they find themselves single and ready to find true love!
- Let go and move forward – Declutter – remove anything negative it may be things or even people who are toxic. Understand that you can be happy without negativity coming from anything or anyone. Let go of negativity and breathe in positivity.
- Have intimacy – Surround yourself with people you can trust. Go slowly into relationships, and seek counseling, meditation, and journal when you realize that you have walls up. Engage in intimacy, don’t hold back in sharing your true feelings; when you feel safe, let another person touch you intimately and surrender all fears. Don’t worry about rejection–ask for what you need and desire. Just enjoy the feeling and release the stress! That is the foundation of a Twin Flame relationship.
What is the effect of the root chakra on Twin Flames?
As root chakra deals with your foundation of existence, how you see yourself and others, which affects your relationships.
If this foundation is lacking in trust and love, then you’ll be dealing with self-love and self-esteem issues in your Twin Flame partnership. If someone’s sense of belonging is weak, that’s why they don’t believe that they’re capable of loving another person or being loved.
Single and struggling? Spend the time working on your Twin Flame root chakra!
Try to open yourself to other people, unwind, make friends, and eventually have an understanding of having a Twin Flame Love to be with you always. As your Twin Flame will also understand you and be open to your flaws then you should also be accepting.
Ditch the fear of rejection, lose the fear of uncertainty, and just accept your beautiful loving heart. A love that is true and unconditional, that’s what everyone needs, and so do you.
In summary, if your root chakra is blocked and unhealthy, you’ll feel it and have many of the signs above. But once that blockage are gone and released, all the love, acceptance, and compassion will flow through you and then to you. You’ll have a broader understanding of people, of partnership, and most of all of yourself.
You’ll eventually accept that you can’t handle or control everything, and with that realization you’ll live feeling both secure and carefree, and will attract deep love to you from a solid grounding.
Ready to strengthen your root chakra and make more money in soul-alignment? Join our Twin Flame tribe for a complimentary new moon ritual. Envision your goals in a sacred space, map out a clear plan-of-action so you can have a financially and spiritually successful month…
Apply for the Lunar Priestess Collective here!