Is There Only One Twin Flame?
Hey there Twin Flame Lover! I work with all kinds of single women, and I have roughly a 90% rate at successfully matchmaking them. Some of my clients have been single for several decades, and several of them have even been widowed. Usually these women ask me: “Is there only one Twin Flame, or can we have more than one?” I can SO relate to these women because I was on a very confused search for my Beloved for over 15 years. I even went through years of singledom and several3-4 year long periods of celibacy. It was lonely, and my body craved my Twin Flame’s touch. I wanted deep connection–soul contact with my other half. But is there truly only this one other half? Or can you have more than one Twin Flame? When I was left by Twin Flame Counterfeit–he ran, and never came back–it was like a death. It felt like half of me was gone. It felt even worse than being a widow, because he was still right there on the planet–even on Facebook, doing his thing without me! I watched my TFC guy move onto other women. Over the years, I pondered the question myself: “Is there more than one Twin Flame?” I bet you’re wondering this too. That’s why I created this simple free video training: Twin Flame Soul: Is There Only One? Watch the video here so you can know what I’ve discovered in working with hundreds of single women on their Twin Flame hunt. I have gotten to hear thousands of women’s Twin Flame Attraction stories directly through my tribe via comments on social media. I have found my true Twin Flame after all the madness. I share my best answer with you. Go ahead and avoid years of pain and years wasted on the wrong guys: watch the video here! Namaste, Dr. Amanda PS: Don’t delay… Watch the video here to learn if YOU have just one Twin Flame, or if you’ve got 1,111!… |