Twin Flames, Cupcakes and the Sweetness of Your Beloved Inner Child
All you have to do to attract your Twin Flame is be in bliss in all seven chakras
The Law of Twin Flame Attraction states that in order to meet and marry your Twin Flame, you must meet, marry, and integrate yourself first. This takes aligning yourself in a healthy and loving way on all levels: body, mind, and spirit, and in all 7-chakras. When your aura sings at the seven-chakra sweet song of your own soul, your soulmate ‘hears’ it telepathically and you both can connect with each other through your (shared) Higher Self, as Twin Flames share the same Higher Self.
Phew! Sounds kinda tough, right? For most 30 and 40-something women, we struggle within something big in our lives, that we haven’t been able to completely overcome. Whether it’s an issue with our body image, self-esteem, sugar-addiction, financial issue, relationship addiction, fear of being vulnerable, etc., our past still haunts us and blocks us from our Twin Flame attraction.
The thing I see blocking my clients most frequently regarding Twin Flame Love is the wounded Inner Child. Therefore, I have devoted an entire blog about…CUPCAKES!! A cupcake to Twin Flame Activate. Yep, with a sprinkle of magic, the sweetness of the Universe, and a little goddess elbow grease, you can have your Twin Flame cake, and eat it too.
I HEART cupcakes. It’s been an obsession since forever, and it got worse when they became a trend back in 2008. What is it about these tiny individual sized portions of cake that makes me feel so in love? Is it their little sweet mountaintops of pure rich creamy sugar? The cuteness of their mini-size? I wonder: how does one go on living without one tiny little cupcake every so often, when they are so cute, so nurturing, happy-hormone producing, and reminiscent of five-year-old birthday parties?
As I sit here writing and nibbling on a cupcake, I feel compelled to share my theory: no matter how you frost it, indulging in things that bring you joy (and in my case today it’s cuppies), allows us to exude light and bliss to the world which…WHAM helps you attract whatever we want, which includes our Twin Flame. Bliss is simply another term for Twin Flame Love; amping up the bliss revs up our Twin Flame energies as well.

Great cupcakes are better than so-so sex with the wrong partner.
I wanted to tell you: cupcake therapy is one totally acceptable and awesome way to nurture and celebrate your Inner Child. And a happy Inner Child within the adult makes a happier, sexier, more grounded whole woman. Hence, whole adult woman+happy inner child = sexy soulmate magnet material. So if you are every bit as passionate about these tiny little gems as I am, eat up (maybe like once or twice a week?), enjoy every morsel, and in doing so you are a few bites closer to Mr. Right!
Interview with a cupcake. If cupcakes could talk, or at least the cupcakes that I eat could talk, here is what they would say. And my take on the matter too…
1) When eating a cupcake, you don’t ever have to grow up
When you eat us cupcakes, it’s OK to momentarily say to yourself “I don’t wanna grow up!” And it’s TRUE! For those parts of yourself that want to stay and enjoy being childlike. Let me state it bluntly to your Inner Child: You don’t. Ever. Have to. Growing up!
The parts of yourself that are ready to grow up will grow up, but your inner child may never want to do that! So live with it kiddo, take another bite, and enjoy the sugary rush as the frosting stickies your fingertips. If you decide to grow up, the tiny tike in you, you will only do so out of sheer excitement anyway.
Allowing yourself to be a child in the appropriate spaces, allows for her (your Inner Child) to have special time to shine and enjoy life. You will then have more “inner mom freedom” and energy to focus on adult projects with more efficiency and pleasure. Trust me: there’s nothing like an unhappy, nagging inner child while you’re on an adult date, trying to work, or trying to workout at the gym!
2) Little shameless pleasures
Be that little girl smeared with frosting writhing in joy and sheer pleasure. To the Inner Child, the concept of anything but “me me me,” being the moment, and sensory stimuli doesn’t exist. She is shameless about her self-love to the extreme. She doesn’t care about diets or what boys think of her yet.
As a sensual woman, you need stimulation. You need to give yourself to have shameless pleasure. Try eating a cupcake practicing a shamelessness in the way you eat it. Don’t judge yourself about the calories, the crumbs, the speed. Just do it to pleasure yourself and notice what you feel.
3) Create community like cupcakes do
Yo, we cupcakes come in batches, and while we’re independent, we’re part of a tribe. And so are you! You need to have your soul-family tribe around you to create the same sort of sweet-treat life that we cupcakes have.
Creating community is an important step in building a Twin Flame relationship, as it will support the relationship, prevent codependency and boredom, and keep the energy real fresh! Never get your relationship get stale, and always frost it with a good dose of dancing, community spiritual gathering, and celebrating!
4) Colorful treats really do make life sweet…in moderation.
The bright pretty artificial cupcake frosting, though now we know may be cancerous, seems so nurturing to the inner child! Solution: find healthy ways to add fun and color into your life. I make a mean batch of gluten-free chocolate cupcakes with coconut milk based frosting that is tinted bright PINK with raspberry juice. Organic raspberries on top and a few chocolate shavings for contrast, and you have a very pretty all-natural cupcake. I’ve even made them with organic coconut sugar, it’s low-glycemic, so you don’t get the sugar rush or trigger sugar-related health issues as much.
Find ways to take the good stuff from childhood, and convert the “bad stuff” into good stuff. I also integrate color into my life everywhere. My house. My gym bag. My clothes. My tooth brush. Being an adult doesn’t mean you have to switch over to brown, black, grey, navy, and white. Just because you’re all grown up in age doesn’t mean that you have to turn into a boring old man! Cupcakes are here to remind us that it’s OK to allow your true colors to shine through, especially the funny frilly pink and bright ones that get edited out say when you’re in a job interview or on a first date.
Dare: I dare you my little Cupcake, as the bright, fun, sexy woman you are, to try wearing something bright and colorful to your next first date, or evening soiree. Rock the neon pink earrings, the swirly bright blue dress. Be unafraid, let your Inner Cupcake and Inner Child shine and you’ll only attract men who are free and fun with their inner little one!
Many frosting-coated blessings to you (healthy natural organic raw frosting that is)!
Bob’s Redmill gluten-free cupcake mix (
Coconut Oil (use instead of veggie oil)
Raw coconut butter
Pureed strawberries & raspberries
Raw coconut sugar
Or, if you’re lazy, order some Katz Gluten Free Cupcakes online:
Thanks for reading this, I think this was one of the most random blog posts I’ve ever let flow out of me, and I know it came in part from my huge Inner Child who wants to share this sweetness with you. She says that you are beautiful, lovely, and you deserve to be together with your Twin Flame. You don’t have to eat your sadness, swallow your tears, or keep digesting old fears. My Inner Child says that she loves you and wants you not to feel alone anymore, because you are surrounded by loving angels, soul-family, and those who love you. Your Twin Flame Union is near!
Ohm shanti cupcake ohm! Namaste, namast-go, aho.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker helps High-Healed Priestesses turn their bliss into 6-figure BLI$$nesses and Twin Flame relationships that heal and change the planet.