How to Become a Supermodel in Five Minutes or Less
Want to know how to become a model? I’ve started an exciting new career in modeling; I’ve been modeling for about five minutes, and it feels great!
I feel like the sexiest woman alive. Who cares if my fans are nobody, or just a few people on FB and my blog give me likes (and some WTFs?!)?
I’m creating a revolution for people to release their limiting beliefs about models.
Why do you have to be pretty to be a model in the first place? Aren’t we all models in life in one way or another? I am sorry, but I don’t agree with models having to be of a certain height, weight, race, shape, etc., because we are all true expressions of beauty. So I am going to break the mold and break out my amateur modeling skills model to you that you can do this too and join me in the revolution.
I’m not too fucking old to be a model!
My cellulite doesn’t stop me from being a model! The fact that I have wrinkles and zits and hairy legs sometimes doesn’t stop me either.
Because there is always air brushing.
And everybody knows that airbrushing is the true liberation and pathway to perfection.
I bet you’re urgently wondering how you can become a model too. So here are the action steps of how to become a sexy model in five minutes or less for free:
1) Put on your favorite dress up clothes, anything you like that makes you feel like a sexy tiger/ess.
2) Break into a photo studio or beautiful resort (like I did here at my hotel) or go to some swanky restaurant or lounge when no one’s looking.
3) Take pictures of yourself acting “as if” you are already a model.
4) Call in through the Law of Attraction “I am now a sexy model!”
5) And so it is.
6) Take your photo shoot to FB after touching it up on Photoshop or iPhoto etc.
7) Announce to the world that you’re now modeling what it means to be you to the world! And dare them to be and do the same 🙂
I think the idea of choosing only a very elite select few to deem beautiful is simply boring. I’m so done with looking at the same fucking face over and over and over again when there so many different versions of Ute that would stimulate my mind and eyes.
Why wait for professionals to take the lead when we can do it ourselves with basic equipment on the cheap? Why sit around complaining when we can create the new media? Why should only ‘real models’ share their stuff with our community on camera, when EVERYONE is uniquely beautiful, sexy, and spectacular!?
I am no better than you or than anyone, because we’re all perfect divine reflections of our Creator! And sometimes you just gotta celebrate yourself and each other, because it feels so good.
Embrace your weirdness. Jiggle your belly! Love your cellulite (and airbrush is great for hiding it if you feel like it, there’s no judgment in wanting to fake it! But remember, only Barbie doesn’t have cellulite and if you are over age 18 and don’t have cellulite you are a freak of nature). Rock your wrinkles!
Everyone is sexy who wants to be – stare down any dragons who want to steal, rape, or drain your energy for being a god/dess, for holding back your Divine Feminine Light, or your wild sex magic.
Are you afraid of criticism? Block and delete anyone from FB who creeps you out or speak with people if their compliments or criticism creeps you out. There’s no need for letting your Flower of Life energy get tarnished by creeps. You can always send love to them as you kick ’em to the curb. That’s what I do!
I have been a sexy model since I was 4, when I would put on dress up clothes (preferably a red tutu) and high heels and pose for my mother to take a pic. No one has ever paid me, encouraged me, or told me that I was a model, but I decided to be one today, so I am.
I am sure that not everyone is going to be so happy seeing my sultry photos all over the web, especially religious types, jealous types, judgmental types, and conservatives. But who cares? I am pretty happy to strut and generously share my BLI$$ n’ stuff – my spare happiness and my hippiness and curvy hips, my weirdness and even my beautiful lips which inherited from my ancestors by the way – what a great way to honor them!
Modeling to the world simply says, “I am human, I am here!” and I want to add, “And I love you and want you to love yourself as much as I adore and love myself!”
My adorable friends and fans, I dare YOUÂ to do a sexy self-love photo shoot and share your sassiness, skin, and sexiness with the world! Feel free to tag me in it… and have FUN!