Healing Sexual Shame of the Innocent Inner Child
I went through my old photo albums today to heal some inner child stuff in regard to sexual shame.
It turns out that I always had PU$$Y Power – but by the time I was a five, I somehow learned to partially shut it down because it’s not safe or okay to have a pussy or be a turned on female.
It’s not safe to be a strong holder of the Feminine because it’s bad, or because you’ll get attacked or raped. Or even worse, because your sacred sexuality will be deemed dirty and wrong.
Somehow in my subconscious, I learned that it would be my fault if the Big Bad Wolf (the dark masculine) wanted to ravish my inner child who was so curious and delighted by her own innocent pleasure, play, and sexuality.
In truth, we are all born out of sex and primal creation energy. The universe is created from sacred sexual energy, and it’s neither good nor bad: it just is.
It isn’t young or old, male or female. Sacrilegious or religious. It just is!
When we embrace our infinite eternal sexuality, and except that it always was and will be okay, then we are free and no longer receive sexual attack energy. Because the sexual attack energy comes in where were we are repressing it; it comes to tell us “wake up” or “I am here!”
Open up. Forgive and accept your sacred sexuality, forgive and accept the attackers as part of your own shadow and love it.
Love everything and everyone who comes towards your sacred chalice or blade (symbols of the sacred feminine and masculine). We exist for one reason and only one, which is to answer the ancient question: “What is creation?” And then from there, everything exists and we got to play… It gets pretty exciting, doesn’t it?!