Divine Wealth Secrets for Twin Flames

Divine Wealth Secrets for Twin Flames

twin flame moneyTwin Flame Wealth Warriors! Are you a Twin Flame lover or seeker who is here to live a fully abundant Twin Flame life?

Does this sound like you:

  • You have always had your heart out there for the other half of your soul, and you cannot wait to unite!?
  • You believe in the Law of Attraction, and refuse to get stuck on limiting belief systems
  • You are fully committed to ending pain on the planet, and to living in pleasure and bliss
  • You believe in the concept of Heaven on Earth and you want to unite with your Twin Flame to carry out this mission to fruition!

Lately I have been noticing a LOT of conscious Twin Flame seekers worrying about money.

It even happens to many 6-figure coaches. I meet spiritual people who believe in the Law of Attraction, who have hit 6 figures and a certain level of success, yet they STILL freak out about money all the time.

Twin Flames are here because we know of Divine Abundance. We know of the infinite and eternal aspects of the universe. We are here to merge with our Beloveds in the lower worlds (3rd Dimension Earth) through the Higher Dimensions (heavenly realms).

As Twin Flames, we are meant to become masters of the 3rd Dimensions, meaning that we live in Truth and Trust.

Why do I see so many of you aligning with scarcity and lack, when these are simply not true?

Yes, I see so many brilliant Twin Flame women running on a hamster wheel investing, working, stressing, and it’s just like the full time job they left, even if they’re passionate about their work!

I have been there myself many times, and it’s frustrating that we are still in this old energy trap.

Some of my Twin Flame friends, Soul Family, and clients even freak out about money, then have an $85K launch the next month, then go back to freaking out a few months later. Oye!

I hate seeing my loved ones worrying about money because my parents used to worry about money when I was a kid, it stressed me, and it still gives me PTSD.

Though it feels like there’s no escaping the slave-job mindset in this country, we do live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave! We are meant to release ourselves from these fear-based thought forms.

I am aware that it is incredibly expensive to live in this modern era; right now I joke that 6-figures is the minimum wage, especially if you live in Californian cities/NYC etc.!

But in actuality, I feel what the real reason why everyone is freaking out about money is…We haven’t healed the scars of scarcity from the past!

twin flame attributesTwin Flames, it’s time to step into your Divine Abundance.

I think our ancestors came to this land (especially the US) to escape the oppression and harsh control by the elites. It is ingrained in us to ESCAPE poverty and oppression, but we aren’t good at doing what we need to do:

We must ENTER into a calm, Divine Feminine wellspring of Viagra Professional; we must know that there never really was poverty.

Divine Abundance is one of the many Twin Flame attributes.

Scarcity wasn’t ‘real’ — especially for us in this lifetime!

Sure, if you hit 6-figures, good for you. But even if you’re broke in this country, you won’t starve…There’s nothing to fear. For instance, I just heard about a woman who is a single mom and totally broke who gave just birth at Marin General hospital facing the mountains and was fed green juice afterwards. I think this is an example that even if you ‘hit bottom’ you will likely be OK.

There is so much wealth to share. It might *feel* scary but in most circumstances (especially if you don’t have severe health needs) it’s a pretty easy lifetime to survive.

So stop worrying! Stop being a slave to 6 and 7 figures, and focus on being in service and buy Viagra Professional online . (Thanks for the self-reminder).

Never stop following your dreams due to the ‘fact’ that you don’t have the resources right now. You can absolutely find them! I went from being a 0 to 4-figure earner to being a 6-figure earner in just a few years!

Your Divine Abundance mirrors your Twin Flame energies…

I also mirrored my scarcity with men; and when I believed in the abundance of what is truly out there for me, I manifested my Twin Flame Jack.

So believe that you can receive! And you will.

Loads of love and light,


Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University
