How to Attract an Attractive Soulmate: Flaming HOT Twin Flame Attraction

How to Attract an Attractive Soulmate: Flaming HOT Twin Flame Attraction

Mild, medium, or HOT? Sometimes salsa just isn’t salsa without the spice–just like your soulmate isn’t attractive without the hot physical package!  We are human and have a taste for beautiful things.  We have evolved from looks oriented creatures: birds, then goats, then gorillas. These animals appreciate beauty and so do we.

twin flame loversLike ducks who choose the pretty mallard feathers, or the she-goats who select the winning mountain goat for his large horns, or the lucky gorilla gal who gets the coveted silverback, we humans can go gaga for good looking guys or gals. In this post, I will talk about how to bag a babe that you actually find attractive–on both physical and spiritual levels! Have I attracted your attention yet?

Attractiveness doesn’t have to be generic

Despite the fact that the soul doesn’t care about physical form, our humanness does. It needs physical beauty and attraction (however you define that) for a healthy soulmate/Twin Flame relationship. Without the spice and attraction, you got yourself a best friend and nothing more.  Nothing wrong with a best friend, but don’t kid yourself.

how do i find my twin flameYou are probably saying, “Amanda, isn’t it superficial to say that attractive people are better than less attractive people on a soul level?” And I’m saying No, it’s not. Because attractiveness is spiritual.  And its not the Hollywood kinda pretty or hot I am talking about, as attractiveness does not have to be generic. True beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. In fact, true attractiveness is simply a spiritual vibration based on high levels of sacred geometry.

The beholder interprets the geometry however he or she “likes” beauty.  True spiritual beauty emanates from our physical form and it resonates with the beloved onlooker–on an eyes, ears, nose, and especially an energetic level. This is the alchemy of seeing your Twin Flame’s true beauty–beauty can only be seen by those who understand the secrets of sacred beauty.

Alchemical attractiveness lesson one: Beauty is unique.

Everyone’s attractiveness taste buds are unique, just as everyone looks unique. So there’s someone for you – there’s someone for everyone!  A perfect mach on all the levels, beauty included.  Throw it out NOW, the old paradigm of everyone wants Brad Pitt. That’s so boring!  Stop trying to look act and be the same as the same old boring plastic model. Be you beautiful one. And stop lusting after generic plastic beauty that lacks substance.

Remember those those generically hot guys or bombshell gals that everyone wanted to date or be in high school (and sometimes they manage to stay ladies men or it girls for many years)? Where are they now?  Most likely they either abused or ran away from or hopefully came to terms with the superficiality of their so-called physical perfection that got them in the door (or nether-region).  A lot of the Hollywood hot people are actually suffocated or suffering with their beauty because no one can see the real them.

twin flameYes beautiful: true beauty is on a much deeper level.  We are all here by Divine Design; we are created by our creator with a perfect divine plan.  We are gifted with the perfect package.  We are all incredibly attractive to our Twin Flame, and vice versa.  We are even granted a certain number of soulmates who find us stunning and make us feel our own attractiveness.  Sometimes it can be annoying when you’re not attracted back to these people (a soulmate whose lesson/gift is to uplift your beauty confidence)! When I was in Italy I got a ton of cat calls and suitors who complimented me to the point where I stopped doing my own beauty affirmations because being told that I was hot all day long by these stallioni burned the message into my subconscious. Ironically, though their compliments helped me get into “I’m hot” instead of “I’m not” thinking, I only ended up being attracted to three men during my 3-year love affair with Italy. More ironically was that none of these men hit on me until later in our dating. Still, I will always be grateful for coming of age in Italy and hope that more American and Anglo men can learn the art of flattery and compliments from their Latin counterparts.

Ultimately, it’s about having both mutual physical attraction and mutual soul attraction for the right soulmate. Guess where it starts? It starts within…

Use the Law of Attraction!

twin flame theoryThe Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” Therefore, if you want to attract someone that you find attractive, you must first find yourself attractive. Hopefully you like what you see in the mirror!  It’s no easy feat in this culture, where we limit the ideas of beauty.  Especially for women, right!? I myself suffered from Barbie complex (and I still catch myself in moments sometimes) where I thought unless I looked like the perfect skinny toned perky Californian blondie, I couldn’t be loved or beautiful.  It sucks when you live in fear of cellulite, water retention, wrinkles, pimples, and all the other stuff that comes with being woman/human! That’s not pretty. True beauty is confidence. Self-acceptance. Joy. Trust. Good posture.  Open-heartedness. A smile is beautiful.  In a nutshell, when you are radiant, glowing yourself, your own true Divine frequency out to the Universe, that is beautiful. Then you are a real bite of bait for the right soulmate.

Fall in love with yourself

That’s it. That’s what it takes–become a narcissist!  Kidding. That’s so not the right word…Self-adoring, that’s a better fit! You don’t have to be self-absorbed in a selfish or narcissistic way to love yourself.  True self-love is the kind where you are so in love with yourself that you see God/Goddess in yourself.  Then, you see that God/Goddess and you are one. You feel the oneness of your soul with all souls, with divinity.  You look in the mirror and see love and light that comes from your being a child of God/Goddess. And that you are not separate from God/Goddess.  This becomes very exciting! Then you realize that all beings are little fractions of God, or more like microcosms of the macrocosm through which you can explore Oneness.

There are many potential soulmates out there for you to test out

Some are zany, insane, sexy, scary, goofy, interesting, boring, annoying, beautiful, and highly unattractive reflections of God/Goddess.  Your job: to love everything and everyone in an unconditionally loving and twin flame attraction compassionate way while discerning what is best for you as a human.  It is not wrong to be attracted to certain types and not others.  It is not wrong if you grew up around a certain type of person and feel comfortable marrying only that type of person.  Never date (in the long term, one date is OK!) or marry someone you’re not attracted to.  I do suggest trying to date outside of your race, class, spirituality, social group etc., so that you can understand Oneness through diversity.  You will learn a lot as you seek out your Twin Flame.  Moreover, it is possible that your Twin Flame is not a part of your inner circle/race etc. Many Twin Flames have reported to be living in different parts of the globe yet attract each other through divine guidance (plus online connecting or crossing during travels). They seem to often know that despite the differences of culture/race etc., there is an instant feeling Twin Flame recognition that is quite strong.

Your soul knows what you need, and your human self will be guided and follow the path perfectly to the perfect mate.  It’s OK to kiss a few frogs on the journey too, but do keep in mind that you must be happy, blissful, satisfied!  It all starts with gratitude for where you’re at, which is what I discussed in my article Harnessing Gratitude to Harness  your Twin Flame!

Fall in love with the mirror to attract an attractive partner

Self-Love & Beauty Mirror Ritual:

Twin Flame Love

Look in the mirror and repeat the following prayer/affirmation:

“I am beautiful. I love the soul that I see appearing in the mirror. The soul in the mirror loves me back. She (or he) is me.  I love the home–the temple body of my soul.  My body, skin, face, hair and every nuance of me is perfect.  By Divine Design, I am pure and perfect love. I love myself. I am attractive. I am sexy. I am beauty. I am joy coming into human incarnation.  My lashes are luscious. My skin is soft. Every corner, curve, wrinkle and nerve of me is placed perfectly so that I can attract the right person/people into my life.  My body serves me for my highest purpose and I love her.  My body is pretty sexy! My curves are gorgeous.  My imperfections are totally perfect. I love the things I complain about, and I complain about them less and less.  I love me, for all of me! Thank God/dess for the body I have, and the soul mates with which I share my body are damn lucky!”