3 Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening 1111 Secrets

3 Twin Flame Kundalini Awakening 1111 Secrets

twin flame kundalini

Hi Twin Flame Lover,

I first found out about Kundalini energy around ten years ago after I started experiencing extreme migraine pains every month around my menstrual cycle. A psychic told me that I was going through a Kundalini Awakening, and oddly enough that same night I was going to a Kundalini Yoga meditation training.

Years later, I have found out that all of us–even animals–have Kundalini, and it can be harnessed as a powerful life-spirit force energy to call in what we want.

Kundalini is the potential form of prana or chakra life force in our bodies. It is like a coiled up serpent lying at the base of the spine which can spring awake when activated by spiritual activities, past-life regressions or memories, or even when experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul.

Twin Flame Kundalini is the alignment of your spine with that of your Twin Flame Beloved; when you bring you and your Twin Flame’s serpent energies together, it forms a 1 plus 1, or an 11. Since we have two sides of the spine, it becomes the 11:11.

Are you ready to awaken your Twin Flame 1111 energies?


It’s time to unleash your Twin Flame Frequencies in your body, mind, spirit, and spine with…

3 Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini Secrets” [Video Training]

In This Mini Twin Flame Video Training, You’ll Learn Answers To The Following: 

What is Kundalini?
-More specifically, what is Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini?
-What does the 1111 represent, and how do I awaken my 11s to call in my Divine Partner?
-How do we open up my/our Twin Flame Sexuality to expand our bliss and orgasm, and heal our bodies?

Watch the video and dive into your PU$$Y Powers to learn how to develop your Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini skillz.

You and your man (or lady) will love it!

Don’t be shy…Take your free micro-training now!

Click here to watch your Twin Flame 1111 Kundalini Training…

Can’t wait to read your video comments and Kundalini stories in the comment box!

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle 

PS: Watch and learn more about Kundalini here: