Dearly Beloved Pink Diamond,

The time has come to schedule your Pink Diamond VIP Half Day!

STEP ONE: Fill Out Your VIP Half Day Form 

Please answer the 5 questions using the form below so I can get acquainted with your VIP intentions, and craft the structure for our time together. 

Please provide the following information so Dr. Amanda Noelle can best support you in customizing your perfect VIP Half Day experience!

Thank you for filling out this form a minimum of 3 days before our big day together. 

STEP TWO: Schedule your VIP Half Day Below

Please schedule your VIP Half Day using the calendar below; pick a date that is at least one week out from today.

Tip: For maximum results, keep your entire day light or entirely free if possible, and you may wish to tack on some self-care, get a massage, do some journaling, etc. Do not book heavy commitments 24-hours before or after the day after your VIP Half Day so you can integrate the process fully.

STEP THREE: Start Tapping Into Your Intentions

Set about 30-60 minutes aside sometime this week to jot down some notes about your intentions, blocks, and anything specific you want to work on during your VIP Half Day.

Looking forward to serving you, and creating magic!

XO, Amanda