Welcome! To get you started on the path to magnetizing your Twin Flame beloved we decided to give you free video courses from Dr. Amanda Noelle. We’re giving this out for a limited time only, so take advantage of this stellar content!
Make sure to:
- SAVE THIS PAGE: Bookmark this page and save it somewhere safe so that you can remember and come back to it!
- GO THROUGH IT: Take advantage of this opportunity by going through ALL of this content right now, or within the next week if possible.
- TAKE ACTION: How often do you read a book or take a course, but you never experience the true benefits from it in your life? Remember to APPLY what you learn as soon as possible (or else you’ll forget it)!
VIDEO 1: Twin Flame Self-Marriage – Amanda teaches all of her high-end clients to marry themselves, BEFORE they meet their Twin Flame.
VIDEO 2: Self Love Meditation – Your Twin Flame love will always start at loving YOURSELF first!
VIDEO 3: Heal Your Sexual Abuse – You will not find true Twin Flame love or be able to launch your soul-purpose aligned business if you are stilled scared from trauma or sexual abuse from the past. Watch this video to learn to heal your sexual abuse.
VIDEO 4: DanceGasm – Have dancegasms to call in your Twin Flame. It’s how Dr. Amanda Noelle met hers!
VIDEO 5: Sugar Addiction – How to heal sex, love and sugar addiction so you can live healthy and vibrant.
IMPORTANT!! We have the right to decline applications. In our experience, only the implementers are able to experience the results they want in their life (i.e. attracting their Twin Flame beloved), so we want to make sure that only truly committed action-takers are accepted. When you apply for this session, make sure to take ALL of the above courses and do your homework BEFOREHAND. We take a close look at our applications and our team is good at picking only those who are truly ready to manifest their Twin Flame beloved.