What’s the Difference Between Twin Flames, Soulmates, and Karmic Soulmates?

What’s the Difference Between Twin Flames, Soulmates, and Karmic Soulmates?

What’s difference between karmic soulmate and Twin Flame soulmates

Soulmates, Twin Flames, and Karmic Relationships. What's the Difference?

Have you ever wondered if there’s really a difference between a “Twin Flame,” a “soulmate,” or a “Karmic Soulmate?”

I know I have… And with all the varying opinions out there, it can be super confusing…

How do we make sense of all this conscious relationship jargon?!

The term “Twin Flame” has been a trending buzz word, and there’s a deluge of content coming out on the web, in books, and in the world. Yet the Twin Flame concept is not new age, and stems back before Adam and Eve, for it is based on quantum physics and polarity, what the Eastern mystics called yin and yang.

Today  there is a lot of confusion around the difference between Twin Flames, soulmates, and Karmic Soulmates. I have been amidst the confusion, and I believe we’re all waking up in this dream together.

The video above is aimed to help you get clarity on the terms, and to inspire your Twin Flame awakening…

Experiencing Twin Flame Love is like tasting the nectar of the god/goddess.

However, just because you are having a Twin Flame Love awakening experience with someone, it does NOT mean that he or she is your Twin Flame. This person might just be your “Twinspiration,” or someone who is calling this energy out of you. This can be a Karmic Soulmate or other type of soulmate (a friend even!).

Love knows no limits.

While it can be useful to know the difference between different types of soulmate categories, I urge you to ask deeper and more important questions as well, such as “What does true love feel like?” or “What does Twin Flame Love mean to me?”

There are some that believe you must understand the Twin Flame Theory in order to obtain your ultimate soulmate. However, others believe that love is love, no matter what you call it.

Interestingly, I once interviewed a former client, who stated the importance of using the term Twin Flame vs. soulmate. She said that she almost immediately called in her Twin Flame once she started using the term “Twin Flame” instead of  “soulmate.” They moved in quickly, got married, and have a daughter.

Isn’t it time you called in your Twin Flame?

I’m hosting an upcoming webinar to support you in calling in true love once and for all. 

Announcing… “Bring in Your Beloved Now: Avoid the 3 Tragic Mistakes That Keep Smart Women Single, Lonely, and Heartbroken.”

A masterclass training. Free of charge. It’s happening soon, and there are limited spots available – I invite you to sign up here.

What Is Feminine Energy?

Ten Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a powerful healing energy that allows us to open to receiving. Feminine, referred to as yin energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy that tends to be more calm, compassionate, and caring.

Without the feminine, we’re in trouble...

Everyone--both men and women--have masculine or feminine energy, and that these energies must be balanced. Many people, even women, are lacking feminine energy (or are hiding their feminine side) in the overly-masculine world.

In the modern world, women are expected to be more nurturing, soft, and beautiful while being successful and sexy. We’re expected to be mothers and CEO, romantics and leaders. The past history where women were once suppressed is crumbling as women quickly break the chains. We are calling out old behaviors, creating #metoomovements, and are stepping away from the patriarchy.

Truly, the feminine is rising.

Twin Flame Love Attraction Comes From Self-Love

Twin Flame Love Attraction Comes From Self-Love

Hi Beloved, I have an announcement… It feels exciting and scary to share with you here, but here goes: finally unionized with my Twin Flame!

It took me many long, harrowing, exciting, sad, scary, adventuresome years and lifetimes. But I finally let down my guard and was able to see the truth: Jack is my other half (well, more accurately, my Divine Mirror) and we’re diving into our Twin Flame Union!

And I used this one simple secret over and over, and I know it’s what has paid off. It’s also what has worked for all of my Twin Flame clients, and was the only thing that kept my sanity when I was practically left at the altar by the man I thought was my Twin Flame.

It’s called self-love.


Seriously, I cannot over-emphasize this enough ladies: Twin Flame Love is merely a mirror of self-love. So self-love is the conduit for Twin Flame Love and Divine Love to flow.

I want to share my video Self-Love Healing Hypnosis Meditation HERE!(You may have seen it before but it’s great to replay it). It will help you:

  • Clear away those gnarly self-hatred demons
  • Establish a deep sense of self-love and Twin Flame Love
  • Connect with your Higher Self so that you can empower yourself and others
  • Heal out the past energies of violence, trauma, root chakra damage, and hatred of the feminine
Twin Flame Self-Love Meditation: Call in Your Beloved

It’s time to step into the most powerful energy that can hold you forever young, ’till death do us part, and for all eternity: self-love.

XO, Dr. Amanda Noelle 

Founder of Aphrodite University

Twin Soul Self-Love Secret: The Twin Flame Self-Marriage Meditation

Twin Soul Self-Love Secret: The Twin Flame Self-Marriage Meditation

What is the fastest way to your Twin Flame, the ultimate beloved?

I’m a Twin Flame Matchmaker, and I have seen it all. Many women I have worked with have attracted a Twin Flame runner, or even a Twin Flame Counterfeit–someone who looks like the part in every way, but who runs and who cannot sustain a long-term healthy relationship. Some of these ladies obsess over the lost love, but it brings them no where and Prince (or Princess) Charming doesn’t come back until they take this one action:

To choose self-love.

We must never abandon ourselves. We must crave our own love. We must heal our own hurts and tears and tears in our auras.

It’s simply falling in love with yourself, and aligning all your 7 chakras with YOU, singing at your own soul frequency.  Here is a Twin Flame meditation video I hope will help you:

Twin Flame Self-Marriage: Marry Yourself to Marry Your Twin Flame

Enjoy, and marry yourself, knowing that you are always pure love and deserve the very best from your beloved, and most of all, from yourself.



Dr. Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and the Founder of Aphrodite University.



You may have heard about the signs that someone is your Twin Flame, but what you might not know yet are the signs to tell if you have a Twin Flame.

7 Signs to Tell If You Have a Twin Flame

This video, 7 Signs to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame will help you:

  1. Tell if you are a Twin Flame (someone who has an incarnate Twin Flame who is walking the planet.
  2. Help you identify the 7 signs that all Twin Flames have so that you can make sure you are on your Twin Flame path.
  3. Align yourself with the main 7 keys that are required to attract your Twin Flame quickly.

Watch  7 SIGNS: How to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame HERE!

The seven Twin Flame signs shared in the video above will help you determine that you are a Twin Flame, and have a Twin Flame on this earth.

Many believe that not everyone has a Twin Flame incarnate on the planet…

Are you one of them?

Once you decided that you are on a Twin Flame Path, get started doing the work using Twin Flame Affirmations. Then, read my next article, Does Everyone Have a Twin Flame? The Best Way to Tell if You Have a Twin Flame by clicking HERE.

XO lots of love!

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker

PS: Learn why using Twin Flame Affirmations really works by reading my blog on Twin Flame Affirmations here.  You’ll get 7 Twin Flame Attraction Affirmations that rock!


Rewriting Cinderella to Become a Conscious Millionairess

Rewriting Cinderella to Become a Conscious Millionairess

I am a BIG fan of rewriting fairytales to awaken new archetypal stories to rise the Divine Feminine and build new paradigms that teach our children – especially our daughters and our inner daughters – how to love themselves from places of power. More specifically, we need role models and stories that inspire a new Divine Feminine wealth consciousness so we can build more villages in Africa, heal our planet’s waters, and rebuild the goddess temples so that there is a sacred place where women can go to conglomerate and rise the Divine Feminine together.

Cinderella is one of my favorite fairytales, as Cinderella represents the wounded healer, the  slave girl, and a Starchild coming from a broken home who finds herself living with an abusive family away from her real family.

I think it was time for a re-make to inspire true Twin Flame Love through the Cinderella archetype. So here goes:


twin flame love

There was a girl named Cinderella who lived in a broken home with 3 abusive women (they were all wicked, and not in the good sense). Then, a fairy godmother came along granting Cinderella one wish. So, she wished for her handsome prince.

And the fairy godmother was like:

“Girl, you gotta get over your fear of women and the Divine Feminine! It’s time that you set boundaries with abuse and stopped taking shit from people all the time just cuz you were raised poor! Why don’t you wish to free yourself from slavery first, and wish yourself into becoming a 6-figure BLI$$ness woman? THEN let’s talk about what kinda handsome prince you wanna manifest.”

Cinderella took a look at her godmother and saw the wisdom in her heart.

She wished herself into a 6-figure BLI$$ness woman and became an online shamanic feng shui artist, because she felt she was exceptionally skilled at cleaning homes of dark energy. She soon became so well known for her home clearing potion-sprays (they were based on crystal elixirs and essential oils) which were sold at Saks Fifth Ave for $100 a pop.

Cinderella became a millionairess over a period of just 2 years.

She then partnered up with an entrepreneur she met online who was building sustainable homes in Guatemala for indigenous people who needed the help. She decided to donate 10% of her profits to his awesome organization. One day, when she was visiting the Peruvian village for the first time, she met the entrepreneur and found him to be the most gorgeous, generous, and gentle soul she had ever met.

The pair  fell instantly and insanely in love.

They decided they were Twin Flames, and had two gorgeous babies. They teamed up to create sustainable villages around the world, using her magical potion sprays which provided the crystalline foundation of each town.


And they all lived BLI$$fully ever after…

Your rewritten healing fairytale

How can you re-writing your own cinderella story? Rewriting your own fairytale therapeutically heals the soul by realigning the subconscious with programs that your conscious mind chooses write. The fairytales of the past were written in times where life was tough, where greedy kingdoms ruled the land, and where women had to believe in something to distract them from their subjugation and pain. Now we can create real life fairytales based on our Divine Truth, by using the Law of Attraction, and by tuning into our power and taking massive action.

Here are some ideas to help you re-write your Cinderella story:

twin flame lovers

  • Heal your wounds and fears around sisterhood
  • Heal your mother issues and align your relationship with the Divine Mother
  • Rewrite a story where Cinderella doesn’t need a fairy godmother to save her
  • Love your inner peasant and write down how many skills your inner peasant girl has; turn these into a 6-figure BLI$$ness that heals the world
  • Recognize where your inner Cinderella is trapped and free her yourself!
  • Find where your inner Cinderella’s strengths are and use these strengths to help her save herself rather than waiting for some guy to come around
  • Allow your new Cinderella to marry herself first so that she can truly marry a Twin Flame
  • Let her be found by a handsome prince who wants to marry both the princess in her and the peasant/pagan in her; be proud of your inner peasant and turn it into something sexy! 

Blessings on creating a new paradigm and story for you, for your daughters, your family, and for all the planet who needs you to rise as the Divine Feminine Shakinah at this time.

Thanks for joining me! Namaste.

Dr Amanda Noelle




Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University and she helps women become High-Healed Priestesses who play dress up while really saving the world.

Rewriting Cinderella to Become a Conscious Millionairess

Healing the Inner Critic That Gets you Lost in Love, Money, and Life

My Inner Critic used to be a real B-I-T-C-H. I struggled with her big time, though you wouldn’t know it now, because I am a new woman.  At age 30 I died a ‘shamanic death,’ and flew to the Higher Dimensions.  When I came back down, I returned to the same body, but began a new life as a high priestess. After communing with the angels and my Higher Self and remembering who I am and that we’re all one, I suddenly didn’t care about impressing people anymore.

healing self-hatred

Yet straight after my shamanic death, I went through the most painful ego death. AKA a Dark Night of the Soul, and you know what I’m talking about if you’ve gone through one yourself. Not so pleasant! Many of my Twin Flame clients have gone through their Dark Night after having encountered a Twin Flame Counterfeit, a type of Karmic Soulmate who initiates them into Divine Love and then who suddenly disappears. It’s quite excruciating, ego-anhillating, and yet in the end, you come out cleaner, and stronger than ever.

shamanic rebirthGoing through my shamanic death, my Inner Critic went down with my ego (which is still healthy and intact but not in the oppressive way it once was), and my Higher Self finally grounded into my body and 7-chakras so that I could channel the Higher Dimensional energies here into the Third Dimension, the dimension in which we live on Earth. We are currently collectively shifting into the Fourth Dimension and each of us are waking up to this Ascension together.

My Inner Critic no longer holds me back like it did, and I feel like I have a free pass towards shame, guilt, embarrassment and feeling like I’m good enough. I now I put myself out there, and let it all hang out. And I love it! Because I deeply love myself on a soul level. Now I actually enjoy baring my A$$ to the world in hopes that people will join me in the self-love revolution. It’s what High-Healed Priestesses do!

But ten years ago, or even three years ago, it wasn’t this way… I was an Inner Critic victimy mess. I pretty much had a love-hate relationship with myself on every level of my being:

  • Body image (hated my body, my skin, my hair, and my breasts without a bra on)
  • Food and binge eating issues (I was addicted to sugar and always roller-coastering back and forth between overeating and over exercising)
  • Major poverty issues – my self worth in the money department was like a negative number on a scale of 1-10. I was making a 4-figure salary and had so much shame about it!
  • I thought my boyfriend was better than me. He was 3 years older, a mechanical engineer, and an Italian stallion. Somehow I thought that this meant that he was wiser, hotter, smarter, and sexier than I, and that I had to work hard to keep up with him or I’d be unlovable.
  • Location. I lived somewhere I dreaded and feared (China) because I followed the stallion to join him and his dream in Shanghai to help boost his career. I was the support role in his life, and meanwhile no one was taking care of me, and it was not an easy place to try to rescue someone! But boy did I love trying to rescue him, as I did with all my boyfriends and lovers in my 20s…

inner critic hypnosisCirca 2004. So, here I am running around in Shanghai China 10 years ago. I used to work on the 35th floor of Jin Mao Tower, which at the time was this new hot icon of Shanghai, the tallest building in the world, at 88 stories (cool number, huh?).

My low-self esteem got me Shanghaied to Shanghai

Getting Shanghaied is a term they used back in the 20s. In San Francisco, they would get sailors drunk and put them on ships to Asia, and they’d arrive in Shanghai finding themselves sobered up by the fact that they had a new culture and country to call home. To this day, they supposedly have a few pubs in San Francisco on the water that have these special back doors that were the doors to Shanghai.

My Italian stallion tricked me too. He promised me that, like him, I’d have a secure $70K salaried job waiting for me there through his family connections. When I arrived with just $2K in savings, they told me to go find an English teaching job for $5/hour at a local elementary school. I’d already been teaching English to Italians for $25/hour a few days a week in Italy and was burnt out on it. In Shanghai, everyone told me I was crazy to come to China then, as the economic bubble had already burst a year beforehand for us foreigners with no tech skills or Mandarin language.

Determined not to starve to death, I networked my little fanny off and found a job through my brother’s Princeton alumni network because I have always been a savvy networker despite the fact that I didn’t really know how to make money off of it!

inner critic meditationI worked at a prestigious American law firm as an editor, but really all I did was play around on the internet and get free lunch. So, I certified myself online as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant and at age 25, opened Spot Fitness my first business! I also became a well-known fitness and nutrition writer within the large expat community, and got to attend speaking gigs and taught group classes.

Yet when I left China at 25, I felt like a huge failure because I hadn’t become a financial success, and because my partner got that 70K salary as a mechanical engineer with family connections. Now I look back and I’m like Amanda, that’s amazing! You were 24, went to a country where you didn’t speak the language, and you carved out your own career and became known in your field within a year and a half!

I know you had a hard time in your life in your earlier years where you did the best you could, and you thought it wasn’t good enough. Where you were harsh and criticized parts of yourself that needed nurturing, encouragement, and love rather than the brutal beatings you gave yourself! I want you to go back to those memories and tell yourself how amazing you are. And I want you to forgive yourself for any shortcomings, any dreams that hadn’t come true yet. And now, I want you to live out those big dreams for the little parts of yourself that are insecure and need to be shown that they CAN do it! You can! It’s in you, but it had to come at the right timing, and through deep self-love. One of my favorite tools I teach women is the FUKKIT tool that helps you get over your perfectionism and resistance to getting boring tasks done:

[fvplayer src=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-toirX4QurU’]


Have you ever followed love and gotten lost? Like literally to the wrong side of the planet? I did.

healing the inner criticThis is a picture of ME circa 2004 AD in China, when I was a very lost goddess remembering who I was. I got “Shanghaied” (look it up) and taken by an Italian lover to Shanghai, China. I was lost and confused and hit all kinds of self-esteem and money issues, hoping that my beloved would save me. But I had to save myself in the end, and it was complicated!

Ironically, I found myself in a land where no one understood me, literally (that language is damn hard!). I was always running out of money and had no cash to get places and it was kinda scary. I once had to use sign language to ask where the lake was and caught a bus not knowing if it was really going to the lake or if I was going somewhere else in China. I set up my own business there, and there were a lot of good things, impressive ways I grew. Yet it was one of the hardest things I could have done at the ripe age of 23-25!

tantric weight loss I highly suggest finding yourself first before following some beloved off to the depth of his/her universe. What is YOUR universe, why are you here? What is your soul’s calling? What do YOU desire? And create that.

My beloved ended up marrying his Twin Flame in China at the end, 3 months after I left him, and it was a bitter sweet result of our 2-year journey together. The life of a Twin Flame Matchmaker in her 20s!

When you lack self-esteem, you lead a life that reflects this lack. It can get you into big trouble. Slaying my Inner Critic and falling in love with myself as a High-Healed Priestess has reinvented my life. Now I love my body, live in community, travel where it blisses me, work with my Soulmate Clients, and make 6-figures following my passions, and so can you.

Work Magic to Manifest Your Twin Flame Fairytale

Work Magic to Manifest Your Twin Flame Fairytale






twin flame story nce upon a time there was a magical little girl who was tricked by an evil toad into believing that she wasn’t Divinely perfect. He told her that there was something innately wrong with her, and that no one could ever truly love her, least of all her One True Love. Even though the evil toad’s words hurt the little girl to the core, she swallowed her tears and persevered through life, knowing that someday she would heal and find her True Love. The girl grew up to be a beautiful-hearted woman, a gifted healer, and a lover of all things Divine. Though she faced many trials and travails, the dream of attracting her one true Twin Flame motivated her through her healing evolution.  She kept her Light shining bright, mended the hurt Inner Child, and realized that it was all a lie — Silly toad! In fact, one day she realized that she was actually a true High Priestess and that she was ready for her Priest. 

The Twin Flame Love frequencies are here, and woman, that girl is YOU!!! 

Check out the video version of this blog!: Work MAGIC to Manifest Your Twin Flame Fairytale!

[fvplayer src=’http://youtu.be/8zaBe8TA0iM’]


All of us grew up believing in fairytales.

twin flame ascensionWhether it was Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, or Anastasia, these tales helped us live in fantasy to escape from our own pain and abandonment as children. Yet they have stuck with us in our adulthood, and these tales are only distorted reflections of our hopes and dreams. In order to realize the true fairytale, we must deprogram the distortion and clarify our realest version of Happily Ever After.  In this blog, I help you do just that if you so wish!

Deprogramming Cinderella Syndrome

twin flame fairytale

Someday My Prince Will Come…Sure, that’s true, but not if you sit back on your laurels in your silly watchtower being trapped by your evil stepmother or queen (the false feminine, as opposed to the Divine Feminine upholding Divine Truth). Someday was a great idea, until someday came along and brought us lots of pain and heartache when we tried to squeeze a Happily Ever After out of the wrong mate, potential partner, or crush obsession. Ouch. Heartbroken and disappointed a few times over, yet that’s what it takes to learn the lesson. That no matter how hard we try, no man, person, place, or thing can heal us until we are willing to do the “dirty work” within ourselves. It is Lightwork actually, even when it seemed dirty and painful at the time, the results are so bright little Cinderella birdies will wanna flutter all around.

twin flame attractionThrough fairytales, we learned the main distorted message: a damsel in distress can be saved from all evil, entrapment, and from being neglected and abandoned, simply by attracting a handsome prince!  In a nutshell, fairytales, though romantic and love-inspiring, teach a distorted message and false promises that can create a lot of heartache and relationship disfunction. Or even divorce… That is not so romantic! To inspire True Love, we must re-write fairytales in a way that empowers us–girls and women–especially the Inner Child.  Ultimately, our fairytales must emphasize the harmonization of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within.  The balance between independence and inter-dependence will triumph over disfunctional co-dependence forevermore.

Healing Cinderella Syndrome

Yes loves, it is time to transition out of Cinderella Syndrome, from Damsel in Distress into Twin Flame Love! These relationships will truly be Awakened ones, and hold full potential for true Happily Ever After. In truth, we Cinderellas out there have to “save” ourselves first.  Being self-saved Power Priestesses makes us very eligible and attractive to the right sexy-souled partner.  That way he or she doesn’t have to take care of us like a wounded daughter or little girl. Further, no one else, I repeate no one, can actually save us when we are up our damsel high towers when we are too stubborn to save ourselves first. To save ourselves, all it takes is a conscioussness.  “I save myself consciousness” instantly dissolves “Save me consciousness”–you will attract an entirely different species of mate. So go do it and enjoy!

high priestess dressAgain, to access Twin Flame Love, or any type of love, we must first realize it within ourselves.  This can seem like no easy feat, especially when we have grown up in a world where our Inner Child was scarred, scared, and felt separated from the Sacred.  However, that was then and this is now; the healed and whole Inner Child can now align with the Inner High Priestess to attract her Divine Partner.  This is the new paradigm of 2012.

Awakening Divine Love within ourselves requires us to first observe and undo the love-limits that have scarred us and blocked us from receiving external love just like the deep moat of water and thorny brambles surrounding a castle preventing Mr. Right from traipsing in. I’ve included an easy meditation below called “Healing Your Inner Child Fairytale Meditation” that is designed to quickly clear out subconscious blocks that limit love.

The Truth about Happily Ever After

True Happily Ever After does not mean being lazy, easy, or loving without compromise. Relationships takework, just like a magical garden takes energy for it to grow. Like a relationship, you must water and plant and weed. You must decide which new fruits and plants you want to harvest; there are a lot of decisions and actions to take. You must remain commited, excited, and focused on the joy of the prizes that arrive daily.  You must be able to cut your losses of the tomatoes that rot on the vine. Further, in the Garden of Love, you may prick yourself on the rose bush on occassion; even when her blossoms are so lovely it still hurts! We are all human, and we must learn from eartlhy lessons.  

 Healing Your Inner Child Fairytale Meditation:

Sit in a safe space and get into a grounded meditation mode.  Relax, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Candles, incense, chakras spinned, and three ohms if you so please! 

how do i find my twin flameImagine yourself as the most spiffy and fantastical fairy-magic castle in your own fairytale.  The castle is YOU, and it also represents the home, hearth, womb, shelter, mother, Feminine, Divine Mother, etc.  See a giant moat around it, and a scratchy overgrowth of thorny brambles that block out the love of your Divine Partner.
Ouch!  Ewwe!

Then, see a thick, heavy drawbridge that attaches to a mighty golden Divine Door to your own Divine Heart of this castle of you. Ahhh… Now acknowledge that the brambles have served you for these many years to protect you from perceived dangers. But also know that you no longer need them, for they were keeping both good and evil out, and blocking you from fully receiving as a High Priestess.  Ask your guides to come into the scene now and allow the drawbridge to come down, allowing the door to your Divine Heart to gently open. Then feel the guides’ wisdom and protection watching over you and the door so that your castle is safe, protected, yet welcome to the right Beloved and loved ones who need to pass over the moat.  Know now that there is no reason to attract thieves or Twin Flame counterfeits who attempt to steal hearts for you are protected, you are loved, you are love, and you are the Sacred Goddess Temple of De-Light.

There will always be joy, there will always be pain, surrender, and loss in creation, growth, and magic sometimes, in the Divine Garden on Earth, and through the Twin Flame Unions here. But on the whole, Happily Ever After can be had, as long as we align with 

high healed priestessGod/Goddess and Divine Love that begins within.  I bless you and praise you for being the brave little girl who is awakening fully to her Divine Feminine light as we speak!


Dr Amanda Noelle

Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps women swiftly attract their Twin Flame and create 6-figure BLI$$nesses as healers.