Twin Flame Essential Oils: Aromatherapy for Twin Flame Love and Attraction
As a Twin Flame Matchmaker and healer, I love using essential oils to help my clients align with and call in their Beloved fast.
Essential oils help us heal our vibrational alignment. It’s important to align with the essence of our soul in order to call in the Twin Flame Mirror, the highest mirror of our soul. Our Signature Soul Song is the essence of our soul’s sound vibration. Our Signature Soul Song is constantly changing, yet it is also constant–just like everything in the universe. We have an essence behind the fluctuations that never changes, and it’s based on love. That is our Twin Flame Essence. Using the magic of essential oils can support this on the metaphysical level.
Additionally, oils help us ground, heal, and nourish our physical bodies through our DNA, our cells, muscles, bones, detoxification and nourishment systems, etc. They are medicines that support our whole.
Here are four categories of Twin Flame essential oils: Twin Flame Grounding Oils, Twin Flame Self Worth Oils, Twin Flame Aphrodisiacs, and Twin Flame Blessings to support you in your Twin Flame attraction and awakening process.
Twin Flame Grounding Oils
These oils will take you from fantasy relationships into deeper states of Twin Flame Love. They will help you bust your Twin Flame Love Blocks (the energies that stop you from calling in a true Twin Flame Union), as well as to align you with your 11 Twin Flame Chakras.
- Basil
- Cyprus
- Rosemary
- Pine
- Frankincense
Twin Flame Self-Worth
- Anise
- Fennel
- Lemongrass
- Ylang Ylang
- Jasmine
Twin Flame Aphrodisiac
- Rose
- Palma Rosa
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Lotus
- I like to enhance the magic of these with orris root powder and also using my moonstone yoni egg
Twin Flame Blessings
- Angelica
- Jasmine
- Geranium
- Ylang Ylang
There are many Twin Flame essential oils that one can use in Twin Flame Anointments. I also highly recommend preparing yourself as a Twin Flame partner with a Twin Flame Facial–a sacred facial ritual in which you cleanse and clear psychic energies away from your face (while also purifying your skin).
Dr Amanda Noelle is a Twin Flame Matchmaker and High-Healed Priestess who helps smart single women to call in their Twin Flame in 6 months or less, the sexy spiritual way.
Twin Flame Attraction Recipe: Raw Cacao Elixir
This yummy drink is a true love spell. Raw cacao is a harmonizer–it balances your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects (yin/yang, dark/light). It’s rich chocolatey flavor reminds us of our own complexity and how all of our contradicting flavors go so well together!
This Twin Flame Attraction raw cacao elixir will help you stay awake, stay focused on your Twin Flame Life goals, and get really embodied so you can be fully present to your Beloved! The chia seeds and brain octane are super food healthy fats that nurture the brain. Raw cacao is the ultimate of Twin Flame medicines.
Twin Flame Love Recipe Ingredients:
- 1 ice cube size portion raw cacao paste
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon Brain Octane oil by Bulletproof
- 2 tablespoons coconut cream (ideally fresh, but canned works too)
- One drop wild orange essential oil
- 6 ounces pure springwater
- Sprinkle of nutmeg
- Sprinkle of cardamom
- Love and bliss
Mix all ingredients together in a power blender. Sprinkle some extra nutmeg on top. State a blessing such as, “I am worthy of being loved, and I drink in my own love!” or “As I drink this elixir, I nourish myself with the deepest Twin Flame Love.”
The journey to Twin Flame Love isn’t always easy, but you can add in bits of bliss. It took me almost two decades to call in my Twin Flame Union, and I feel so blessed every day. However, I couldn’t have done it alone.
That’s why I highly recommend surrounding yourself with support–a tribe, a sisterhood, a healing community who sees and believes in your Twin Flame Love.
Join us for a complementary online Twin Flame Attraction raw cacao new moon ceremony, an experience of sisterhood and magic. We can’t wait to support you and see you call in your Beloved and MOONifest your heart’s desires with us:
Sign up for your free ceremony/class
Twin Flame DNA Upgrades, Activation, and Clearing
Goodness Goddess Gracious! I am so happy you’re reading this blog so you can learn about the DNA codes needing to be upgraded inside of you, me, and our sisters too who are Twin Flame seekers on Earth.
OK, so I had the fattest, craziest, juiciest awakening journey here on a little island called Gili Air, which is right next to Bali, and it’s a gorgeous tropical paradise. My life is now full of tropical flowers, daily snorkeling trips where we visit sea flowers and coral coves and love-making fish that have so much passion it’s off the hook. I’m also eating numiness in large doses – like ripe coconuts fresh off the tree, and the inner treasure-treat of coconut flesh. Plus, the beautiful European men that visit the island are always fun for eye candy and Twin Flame potential material as well…not that I noticed!
But before I get too distracted about my own bliss, I wanted to talk about fast and furious Twin Flame DNA UPGRADING! So I did this awakening shamanic journey here less than 48-hours ago; let me just briefly mention that magic mushrooms are legal here, unlike in the US where I was arrested for seeking my spiritual truth through a shamanic journey, ahem!
First, have you seen the Twin Flame DNA Upgrades video yet?:
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I would love to share some potent downloads I was given with you on Twin Flame DNA activation. I went up to the Light where I became and merged with the the original seed of Light where I was born. Which was way awesome and I highly recommend doing that! It was a little scary at first but my friend Katie’s spirit was there with me and I could joke and share and giggle about being afraid with her (even though she was half the world away) so it wasn’t that bad or frightening.
But back to the Light…I was hanging out with God, or I guess I could say I became the God energy myself which was actually just this very simple pure Light. It was just consciousness itself. Hard to explain but it was way less complicated than I had thought! Here, I figured out what was blocking our soul family from Twin Flame Love, myself included. Are you blocked with your Twin Flame DNA?
Girl, this is nothing to be ashamed about. It’s fixable too! So if you are an incredible High-Healed Priestess and you resonate with me as a soul sister, please know that we sisters (aka sea-stars) from the Pleiades have been blocked by something very very immense and dark for a long time. In fact Twin Flame Love hasn’t really fully ever been awakened on this earth because of the dark code written within the index of our earthly DNA.
If you don’t know who the Pleiadians are, basically just note that you are one, that everything is recycled and even earth is made of recycled stardust. Pretty much everything on earth came from different exploded stars. Earth humans are a mixture of many different star consciousness and DNA that got mixed through intention, Galactic Federation agreement, and Divine creation. If you are just waking up, don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense to you, just keep reading and let it absorb slowly. Or you can do more research about Pleiadian starseeds and our Pleiadian origins on the internet. No worries if I confused you a bit.
In a nutshell, know that it’s time to clear this dark energy that is blocking the DNA from activating with Twin Flame Love and Light Codes.
During my medicine journey, I accessed a high state of consciousness where things were much easier to see, know, and feel than normal. Even more so than my deepest sleep state or meditative state, which is already pretty awesome since I have been meditating for a while and am able in my dream state to access the Higher Dimensions pretty regularly.
This medicine journey was potent, and enabled me to see where the earth is being blocked from receiving awakened Twin Flame Love fully into the Christ Consciousness. It was terrifying to see which is why I had to keep comforting my inner child and asking for help, which was granted. I was able to see that darkness up close and center, and I made a promise to unlock it and turn the codes to Light to heal the earth, the Divine Feminine and Masculine alignment, and to heal the Twin Flame energies within myself.
Do not be afraid of the dark, because fear breeds more darkness, and we need your Light!
It’s the same blockage that killed Jesus, that keeps the same military energies in rule. It’s the same darkness that abuses humans, animals, and the sea, and that chooses war over love, and murder over bliss. It’s just dumb! Seriously, the energy was unconscious, a dumb energy that needs The Light to awaken in back into it’s Light Self Origin. We are gathering the Light together, to break the codes, and to activate the Twin Flame DNA. <3
When I saw the dark force energy with my own psychic eyes.
It appeared as some seriously scary $h&t to my human self. It’s hard to explain or describe what I saw, but I’ll try, not to freak you out but to let you now what you’re up against. It was a moving energy or grid of darkness that had some colors and patterns in it that resembled spiders, ticks, dark magic, and I’d say it was a sort of demonic monster with no soul that was merged with the digital world. So it literally is like a computer codex or program that has infiltrated into the earth’s water (a memory storage device), into our government officials and structures, and anywhere it can that vibrates without Light.
What is blocking Twin Flame Love from coming fully to earth?
Here’s what I channeled:
It is simply an unconscious codex of information that came here a long time ago based on a grid of unconscious fear. It dates back to the creation of the universe that has not been resolved. When the universe was created, it had a Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine self that realized itself into being and then into separation, and when these energies split they became a little wary of one another, sort of like a baby being born who realizes she’s a person with toes and it freaks her out that she has a self and she has to become responsible for this body. The universe became aware of His/Her creation and was like “Oh shit, I gotta take care of all that!?” Especially the Divine Mother was/is (as there is no time or space) like, “Oh man, how am I going to mother all those planets, energies, plants, species, and humans!?”
She doubted herself, and thus so did the Divine Father, who left and ran off to think things out on his own in his Man Cave. Then the Divine Feminine was like, “Honey, where did you go?” She freaked out, and when he didn’t come back before supper that night, she panicked and thought he’d abandoned her. He actually hadn’t, at that point. But then, when he got back and they returned to Oneness, she scolded him for being a bad guy, for leaving her, and so he created this complex or codex about doing what masculine energy does when it ‘thinks’ or computes, which is to run away and come back (like computer runs in order to compute, and yang energy heads outwards, then becomes yin and returns).
A new codex of separation was born. This is reflecting in the Twin Flame DNA codes still to this day.
Then, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine not only had doubts about their ability to create and raise their cosmic family, they also had issues about each other and began to trust each other less and less. That was the beginning of the divide, or so-called Divorce of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. And all creatures of creation have been harvested and raised by two parents who have been doubting their ownabilities to be God and Goddess! Ooops.
This universe fell for the oldest trick in the book. The loophole of creation that every universe falls into, and every woman and man falls into. Self-doubt, which turns into doubt of others, especially the Twin Flame reflection of ourselves. Earth was created under this grid of consciousness and the cycle has been recreated over generations of time through the cosmos, patterns created and repeated and repeated over and over, until the dark force of subconscious energy has grown big. Into Fukushima disaster energy, and military control, and corporate welfare, and body image self-hatred in women, and prescription drugs and drug abuse….the list goes on and on, all that human and universal shame and self-hatred! Silly stuff.
All kinds of stuff repeats through patterns of the original Divorce of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and the trauma of the Divine Children. As adult women, we reflect both the Divine Mother an Divine Child, and we have to start figuring out and computing these codes with massive amounts of unconditional love, Light, and awakened consciousness. We ned to clear our emotions, our fear, abandonment issues, and pray into our DNA for this healing.
Prayer for the remarriage of the two (Father/Mother God) is what is going to put them back together, and what is going to align us with our Twin Flames! It’s what is going to create a Golden Era or New Earth, and it will upgrade all levels of creation including the Pleiades, Sirius, galaxies, and ALL of the universes will upgrade.
We just need to do one thing: change our mind. Now. Tune into your Divine Mind. And to Love.
Change your mind, and your world changes. Change your Higher Mind and the Universechanges. We must change our mind into Twin Flame Love and Christ Consciousness. Then the Light IS! We all know that the dark energy doesn’t belong on earth anymore. Whether you call it Illuminati energy, Hell, or simply the Shadow of the Universe, it’s time to collaborate to make enough consciousness to change the Divine Mind and heal the earth. Twin Flame Love time! To release the Old Paradigm we must shed light on this this dark goober, this destructive cycling computer codex.
All we gotta do is building large light constellational structures, such as the sacred temples, Atlantean grids, and conscious movements, high vibrational music events, galactic gateways, divine based universities and organizations, etc. We need to pray our Twin Flame prayers together, en masse, so we can outshine the darkness. So what if there has been a lot of darkness? Yes, for sure there is in this moment still a lot of wrongdoing on earth (i.e. like Fukushima, don’t make me go there or I’ll talk your ear off), but 1% Light can totally obliterate 99% darkness. Like a tiny candle can illuminate an entire pitch black room to some degree. Still, we must band together and co-create with our consciousness, creating Light Portals of prayer, Twin Flame blessings, sacred action, clear any fear, and begin a massive celebration of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine coming together. As a woman, it’s your job to heal the abused Feminine within yourself, and as a man it’s your job to support women in the process and also heal your own Feminine through the little boy in you who was hurt and abandoned by your Divine Father/earth dad.
You gotta start healing your abandonment issues girls, and forgive forgive forgive theDivine Father. He made some mistakes, but he’s here and wants you to love him and wants to help you. He is you! Of course he wants to help. You must trust him and pray and trust yourself.
We have to cooperate and create the constellational light grids, not do it alone. That’s why I brought together 6 sacred sisters (and a 7th food goddess) on this 8-day retreat in Bali and Lombok – because we needed to create a light grid around ME so I could feel safe to journey out and see what way blocking me and my Twin Flame seeking soul sisters.
I have had many clients and friends find their Twin Flames already, yet there are many of the Christ Conscious individuals who will not be able to manifest their Twin Flame in the physical unless we clear these codes out!
Many old soul individuals are stuck either (a) unable to find their Twin because of the dark codex, or (b) are able to find him/her, but are unable to fully activate the Twin Flame Frequencies.
One example is a client I have who found her Twin Flame just 3 days after meeting me.However, she is totally blocked in her root chakra and career space, because she’s an ancient Atlantean High Priestess and future Pleiadian Lightworker who accesses high levels of information and codes. So she’s afraid to death of opening her 5th chakra, aligning the 7 chakras to the Twin Flame Frequency (7 aligned chakras is what it takes to activate Twin Flame Love). So she is blocked in sharing her amazing channeled information publicly because at her core she can feel the persecution fear of the dark codex that has gotten her killed in past lives. Thus she is unable to fully unlock and tune into her Twin Flame DNA. Until she clears her fear of the dark codex, she will not be able to fully activate the Twin Flame Love. Until then, she cannot birth her Starchildren from the purest conscious Light, and that’s what we need for the New Earth.
How to activate your Twin Flame DNA First step: clear all of your fear through prayer and Love. Ask the Divine Father for help, and ask to be grounded through the Divine Mother on Earth. Pray for the Divine Father and Divine Mother to align within you, through you, and for you to align with your Twin Flame.
Also ask for the Twin Flame codes to be cleared in your DNA. Here’s an awesome channeled prayer:
“I ask the DNA Committee to unblock and unlock my Twin Flame Light Codes to the highest potential of Divine Love. I clear out any blocks of the dark codex and cancel out any fear based limitation. I am the Love, I am the Light, and I AM I AM I AM! I also forgive the Divine Father for any harm, abandonment, and shame he has held in his creation and love for me. I also forgive my Divine Mother for being unable to express her love for me or for being able to support me in the way I needed in any lifetime, space, or dimension. I alight my DNA with my Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies as I forgive myself for any misalignment. Twin Flame Love ACTIVATE!”
You can repeat the prayer as many times as you can to become gridded in your subconscious and conscious mind. You will notice shifts in your energy immediately, and within your life within three days.
Another major major MAJOR ways to clear the Twin Flame DNA is through gathering with a group of High Priestesses, Twin Flame-bound women who embody the Magdalene Consciousness (Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness); conglomerating in groups of 5 to 7 women at a time for a ritual, especially by the sea, is incredibly helpful to lead a prayer.
In your prayer, always set a specific intention to clear the DNA codes. We did our group formations in a pods of 6 sisters, sistars, or “sea stars” by the ocean. At one point we stood in a with 5-pointed star formation which represents the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite and human DNA creation.
I like having 6 sisters in a circle with a central point in the middle for the heart-based High-Priestess, and the number 7 represents the Seven Seas and the Seven Sisters (Pleiades) and the six-pointed star of life or Star of Da-Vida or the Star of David is a sacred geometry that is found in water molecules, the ocean, our bodies, and memory storage devices (i.e. the silicon chip and water itself as a memory storage device). The ocean stores information, and the Twin Flame DNA secrets are still embedded there as the ocean was too massive for the dark code to pollute everywhere.
Find the purest ocean you can find, like this haven in Indonesia on Gili Air, where the Twin Flame Love codes are still active in the water. And pray for the water’s healing worldwide, and envision Mama Ocean as healed. Activating our Twin Flame DNA is the fastest way to Twin Flame Attraction and it takes a conscious decision of changing your mind not only in your conscious mind, but in your Divine Mind. Meditation, hypnosis, and sacred journeys under the supervision of an expert shaman can help.
Namaste, Love, and Light,
Dr. Amanda Noelle is an ancient Starbeing, Atlantean High Priestess, and Founder of Aphrodite University. To learn more about her, click here.
Rewriting Cinderella to Become a Conscious Millionairess
I am a BIG fan of rewriting fairytales to awaken new archetypal stories to rise the Divine Feminine and build new paradigms that teach our children – especially our daughters and our inner daughters – how to love themselves from places of power. More specifically, we need role models and stories that inspire a new Divine Feminine wealth consciousness so we can build more villages in Africa, heal our planet’s waters, and rebuild the goddess temples so that there is a sacred place where women can go to conglomerate and rise the Divine Feminine together.
Cinderella is one of my favorite fairytales, as Cinderella represents the wounded healer, the slave girl, and a Starchild coming from a broken home who finds herself living with an abusive family away from her real family.
I think it was time for a re-make to inspire true Twin Flame Love through the Cinderella archetype. So here goes:
There was a girl named Cinderella who lived in a broken home with 3 abusive women (they were all wicked, and not in the good sense). Then, a fairy godmother came along granting Cinderella one wish. So, she wished for her handsome prince.
And the fairy godmother was like:
“Girl, you gotta get over your fear of women and the Divine Feminine! It’s time that you set boundaries with abuse and stopped taking shit from people all the time just cuz you were raised poor! Why don’t you wish to free yourself from slavery first, and wish yourself into becoming a 6-figure BLI$$ness woman? THEN let’s talk about what kinda handsome prince you wanna manifest.”
Cinderella took a look at her godmother and saw the wisdom in her heart.
She wished herself into a 6-figure BLI$$ness woman and became an online shamanic feng shui artist, because she felt she was exceptionally skilled at cleaning homes of dark energy. She soon became so well known for her home clearing potion-sprays (they were based on crystal elixirs and essential oils) which were sold at Saks Fifth Ave for $100 a pop.
Cinderella became a millionairess over a period of just 2 years.
She then partnered up with an entrepreneur she met online who was building sustainable homes in Guatemala for indigenous people who needed the help. She decided to donate 10% of her profits to his awesome organization. One day, when she was visiting the Peruvian village for the first time, she met the entrepreneur and found him to be the most gorgeous, generous, and gentle soul she had ever met.
The pair fell instantly and insanely in love.
They decided they were Twin Flames, and had two gorgeous babies. They teamed up to create sustainable villages around the world, using her magical potion sprays which provided the crystalline foundation of each town.
And they all lived BLI$$fully ever after…
Your rewritten healing fairytale
How can you re-writing your own cinderella story? Rewriting your own fairytale therapeutically heals the soul by realigning the subconscious with programs that your conscious mind chooses write. The fairytales of the past were written in times where life was tough, where greedy kingdoms ruled the land, and where women had to believe in something to distract them from their subjugation and pain. Now we can create real life fairytales based on our Divine Truth, by using the Law of Attraction, and by tuning into our power and taking massive action.
Here are some ideas to help you re-write your Cinderella story:
- Heal your wounds and fears around sisterhood
- Heal your mother issues and align your relationship with the Divine Mother
- Rewrite a story where Cinderella doesn’t need a fairy godmother to save her
- Love your inner peasant and write down how many skills your inner peasant girl has; turn these into a 6-figure BLI$$ness that heals the world
- Recognize where your inner Cinderella is trapped and free her yourself!
- Find where your inner Cinderella’s strengths are and use these strengths to help her save herself rather than waiting for some guy to come around
- Allow your new Cinderella to marry herself first so that she can truly marry a Twin Flame
- Let her be found by a handsome prince who wants to marry both the princess in her and the peasant/pagan in her; be proud of your inner peasant and turn it into something sexy!
Blessings on creating a new paradigm and story for you, for your daughters, your family, and for all the planet who needs you to rise as the Divine Feminine Shakinah at this time.
Thanks for joining me! Namaste.
Dr. Amanda Noelle is the Twin Flame Matchmaker and Founder of Aphrodite University and she helps women become High-Healed Priestesses who play dress up while really saving the world.
Twin Flame Love Warrior
“Your love is like a poison to the demons that slither across the Earth.”
When you are a Twin Flame Matchmaker, you must create sacred shamanic space for your Twin Flame work. Sometimes in creating these spaces, you hit a snakelike energy that wants to interrupt your ritual, wants it not to happen. It’s as if a viper is telling you that you’re not welcome to spread and ignite the Twin Flame Light.
Yes. There are times where I get hunted for spreading Twin Flame Love across the planet. But as a huntress who has learned a lot about working with dark and Light, I know that the fastest way to cleanse out this dark force-funky is through love and, ironically, with Kundalini blasts.
To learn more about Twin Flame Kundalini CLICK HERE.
We must must unlock the loving Twin Flame energies that rise up our spines; we must then direct this love towards the darkness to transmute it to Light. Being full of endless divine love, we become like a venomous snake to these snakes. As you too are a Goddess of Love incarnate. It’s our job to rise the Love and to never surrender! No matter how scary it seems or even how silly we look!
This week, I am clearing an ancient astral space that corresponds to Twin Flame Energies and to the Divine Mother on Earth, Also known as the Magdalene, Maria, Mare, Mar (ocean), Atlantis, Aphrodite, Ashtarte, Innana, Kuan Yin, Venus, Earth Tribes, Native Nations, and Shakinah. I must be a Warrior of the Light, and be steady with my Love .
You are part of a group of ancient High Priestesses Light Workers who are no longer willing to live a lie, who are called to Twin Flame Reunion and ultimately to awaken to your Divine Self. Your soul calls out to wake up, to shake it up, to writhe, and to create the Golden Era.
I cannot serve this next wave of High Priestesses until this snake energy is cleared. So, I ask for your prayers and love this week as I go to “war” with love and Kundalini as my only weapons. I invite you to pray for your Twin Flame this week, and to feel the Light of the Divine Mother growing ever stronger in your heart.
For those of you who are at an advanced level of Kundalini Awakening, please send your orgasmic light (if you feel called and safe) to transmute these serpents of limitation. And bring forth more Golden Light and love to Gaia.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Dr. Amanda Noelle, Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps stellar spiritual women attract their Twin Flames at light speed so they can carry out large soul purposes and birth Starchildren.
Twin Flame Law of Attraction
You might as well get what you want in this lifetime. Why not attract it?
Whether it’s money, a house, or Twin Flame Love, according to the Law of Attraction, you can have it. We are co-creating everything that exists; YOU are creating this lifetime for yourself. This is YOUR storyline, your script, despite what it may appear to your conscious mind.
To become a victim in the plot is simply an experience from which we can learn. I should know… I have been a five-star victim at times. A few years ago, I was desperate, depressed, broke, and heartbroken. I cried out in heartache for almost 2.5 years straight… “Why was I left so coldly by a partner who I thought would marry me!?” That was the victim-record playing on re-play in my head. I blamed him for not loving me.
I hated the Universe for providing me with a “fool’s gold Twin Flame.” I was brutally humiliated. I was sad. I was pissed! But what I didn’t know is that I was attracting this situation through the Law of Attraction.
Owning Your Reality Helps You Attract What You want
I CREATE MY REALITY! And moreover: I AM LOVE! Once we realize this, we can live in our scripts the way we like them, in affinity with our soul. It gives us the power to create what we want, versus creating from unconscious fear.
We must first accept what we have created, and realize the gift within it. I now see that my Twin Flame Counterfeit actually gave me the biggest lesson of love.
Thus, we Must Create From Love
The biggest secret to the Law of Attraction is creating from love. It’s a feeling, an emotion from a deep loving place inside of you. When I help my clients attract their partners, we first must tune into deep soul love. Self-love, and unconditional and infinite Divine Love. Then we ask, What do I TRULY WANT? The answer is always some form of “I want love. Real love. Unconditional that comes from within.”
And I want it in pink. I want it with a bow on top, and a cherry too. And abundance, financial wealth and bliss, and love for all my friends, clients, family, and tribe! You can use specific things that you want to entice you, such as X kind of car, X tall person with X job, but in the end it is the energy that counts. The energy and love are the only thing that are real, after all. Everything else is simply an illusion.
The Secret to Twin Flame Law of Attraction
I have helped hundreds of single spiritual women attract their divine partner, sometimes even within hours using the Twin Flame Law of Attraction. The key secret is simple really: it’s tuning into love. Release the fear, and tune into love. Simple as that! Once you truly turn into deep Divine Love, all belief systems that slow down magic and attraction become obsolete.
I believe that we’re all meant for living Happily Ever After. YOU are love, and so am I, and so is she, and so is the rock over there. From my own experience and witnessing many others, I can attest that all love attraction starts from within. Further, surrendering to HOW it happens while still commanding the Universe that it MUST happen that it WILL is important as the Universe is fluid and works faster than your brain’s desires. I know that this whole Divine Love thing can be scary, especially if you’ve fallen off the horse once or twice and ben severely let down in your life by a loss, trauma, heartache, or death.
Since my victimhood, I have begun to command my reality. I actually enjoy seeing why I have created flops, mistakes, and disappointments. I am weaving together a beautiful life that I absolutely love. I am traveling the world, connecting with soul family, working as a high-end healer, making an abundant income while working very little, and eating the best food ever, every day! This is a dream I’ve always wanted to live out before meeting my Twin Flame and having Starchildren.When I am ready to attract my Twin Flame, I know I can do it because I have helped so many others do it, and I have enjoyed using the Law of Attraction to find loving soulmates to keep me fueled up on love! We just have to be ready for whatever we ask for. If I can do it, so can you. Because, seriously, I was the worst case of victimhood energy I can imagine!
I wrote a blog article How Do I Know if Someone Is my Twin Flame? in order to help you ask the right questions to determine whether or not he or she is the one. You are an ancient master, the answers lie within, and you have a big love sitting at your center: your Divine heart!
Love to you!
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps single stellar women align with their Twin Flames so they can birth Starchildren.